Weekend long read on how Hard Fork’s Kevin Roose has oversold new AI tools coding without knowing how to code, as a case study in a larger phenomenon of leading journalists hyping AI:
Let's list the problems w/ Roose's mental model for his app & the actual use cases that make his regurgitated code a useless kit bash and not AI.
2. Take a picture of your car.
3. Tell me exactly how far you can drive it today until you run out of gas/battery.
See the problem? Roose doesn't.
Sure it can suggest you recipes (not AI or deep btw), but recipes consume the entities in your fridge in varying amounts.
I will wait
opinions should not be presented as breaking news.
A NYT writer doing anything more than kit bash code is hilarious.
AI for coding is like what tee ball is to baseball.
People who are great at it can write code like poetry.
I’m also reminded of Jensen Huang’s “no need to learn coding” nonsense from a year ago.
(Cross posting from LinkedIn)
There are grifters, and there are just dumb marks.
I think Roose is the latter.