Pray for me. I’m in Oklahoma - where the state superintendent of education wants millions of taxpayer dollars to pay for trump bibles. He’s vowed to have one in EVERY classroom.
Let's say it again for the low info votes. The government does NOT control what is taught in schools. Of course, the ones really pushing this are the states that want to put religion in schools and ranked and the BOTTOM of the nation's educational ratings.
So in Texas, Florida and other red states, kids will be taught that the earth is 6,000 years old, that slavery had its benefits, and that the 2020 election was stolen.
In blue states, kids will be allowed to read Fahrenheit 451, The Handmaid's Tale, and 1984.
Congress is full of fucking idiots. Complete waste of space sans Warren, AOC, and Sanders. Those are the only three with a spine yelling, screaming, protesting, and fighting with other people to stop this madness.
“keeping diversity programming out of public education” translation: defunding public schools in favor of white, elite private and “Christian” academies
Make America Great Again! - & throw out this Fake Wrestling Billionaire w/o any expertise in education, & name a world-class scholar & manager to lead the USA's schools. Trump's awful appointments are leading us in a steep decline. Raise our standards! No more flunkies. Our kids deserve better.
So Red states will be teaching their version of the Bible, Revisionist History, "How to" classes on all things repugnant and of course how to use AR-15's from the time you can hold a spoon.
I am sorry to all of the True Blues out there that have to remain in those states.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it: dismantle public education and call it reform. This message will self-destruct, just like the department.
WWE was a client for 20+ yrs. I know Linda well. This is a rug pull for her after donating so much to Trump. She wanted Commerce & got shoved into a job non-job that will just make her one of the most hated women in America.
I tried to warn her years ago but she's most comfortable being subservient.
Lets just go ahead and have 50 states. The blue states can use those savings to form their own safety protocols, monitor weather, health, education.
Hopefully they are keeping tabs of services discontinued and the reduced tax bills that should follow.
Believe it or not Oklahoma does provide free universal pre-k taught be a certified teacher.I had kids in the public Oklahoma school system and my oldest said his math class was way ahead compared to a parochial school he attended back east.That was years before Ryan Walter’s came into office though.
Our two youngest were in preK and I thought it was great. The older ones were in day care and any instruction was more informal. I’m just not a believer in my school’s funds being diverted from our public schools. Fix public education before you start doling out their money.
Backstory. We have 4 daughters (49-42) and have guardianship of 3 granddaughters for 7 years; 10, 11 & 19. So we’ve dealt with our public schools since the 80’s.
Can't wait to see how Trump‐voting Mississippi, Alabama, and other states with under-performing education systems fair with the destruction of a federal education department. 🤦♀️
Why bother having schools? They have been reduced to babysitting hell holes resembling holes raisins in many cases. Removing all recourse for teachers when students act like animals didn’t help. America is on its ass right now. Smarten up or expect it to get much worse. Maybe start learning Chinese
Turn public schools into Sunday school. Revisionist history. "Intelligent design" instead of real science. No critical thinking skills. Raising a nation of unthinking sheep.
Linda McMahon is emblematic of the Trump Cabinet. Unqualified & another billionaire. It's also appropriate her expertise is an industry that is fake. Fake entertainment is her product. Fake/lies/deception are the policy products of Trump/GOP. And to terminate the dept. of Education? Crazy-dangerous
Anyone want to bet that part of the “final mission,” will be an online for profit school system. Don’t bother bidding on the project, it’s probably already set up.
Executioner indeed. Violence sells, but knowledge and understanding gets a powerbomb. Well, hope she's fired immediately. No purpose for her in the first place. It is a rich people's gravy train getting into the dictatorship.
Exactly how will national and international assessment programs be sent “back” to the states? These and other data collection functions of the Dept of Ed are crucial to understanding how schools operate and how well or poorly students are faring. Does the administration NOT want this information?
With a majority of PhD students coming from abroad, perhaps expanding access to university studies for more Americans could be a way to invest in domestic talent.
Think Kentucy , west virginia, oaklahoma.
but the “main problem”
is the 77 million mostly white
and Christian evangelical nationalists
& alt-right types,“voters” from the rural red hinterland and Fox News
that are “responsible” for Trump’s deconstructing of the American way of life for Putin’s invasion.
In blue states, kids will be allowed to read Fahrenheit 451, The Handmaid's Tale, and 1984.
That'll keep us united.
Sure - let’s make her the secretary of education. Ethics has completely left the building with this moron in charge.
I am sorry to all of the True Blues out there that have to remain in those states.
I tried to warn her years ago but she's most comfortable being subservient.
Fuck her and her fucking husband. They're both traitorous assholes.
Hopefully they are keeping tabs of services discontinued and the reduced tax bills that should follow.