Opinion: Trump's Congress speech demonstrated just how unique this president is, just how unbound he is by the norms of decent political behavior — and just how effective he is at communicating powerful emotional messages, writes analyst Jeff Greenfield.
It's how the media doesn't call his lies out, like they do in Russia.
He is the face of RAGE!
Oh, wait. Yes I did.
One day, I believe the name Trump will be used in the same manner as Benedict Arnold and Vidkun Quisling.
The problem is that the US was totally ready to believe any lies.
We don't even agree on facts anymore so our democracies are doomed to crumble. We have to fix that.
This is honestly garbage.
Do better.
An emotional person is easily manipulated before pausing to verify what was said. The more emotional you become the more the speaker benefits. By the time you verify first statement or concept the speaker piles on several more emotional messages of increasing intensity.
Looks like you're shooting for the void in his head
I counted 77 lies (!).
In the meantime, since Trump took office, the S&P 500 has lost 896 Billion USD in value and there have been zero days without the USA being an international embarrassment.
Feels like that speaks more to who his base is than any skill he possesses as a communicator...
Fucking do better @politico.com