Their voters know that the partys donor stream are the same people cheering Trump tax cuts. Ds have no identity because they refuse to stop bowing down to corporate donors
It would be easier if they unabashedly stood with the middle/lower class instead of consistently straddling the line.
These polls are devastating for Dems if they're even half correct. There seems to be an enduring public perception, promoted by Trump, FOX, and Republican campaigns, that the Dems side with disfavored causes and not mainstream Americans. And Dems don't even say "mainstream Americans" anymore.
Maybe it’s time for a third party in this country. The Republicans are facists and the Democrats are old wash women. I hate the Republicans and I’m tired of the “do the right thing” Democrats. Now is not the time to do the “right thing” but to pull the same crap the MAGA fanatics are doing.🤯🤬😡
Politico blaming democrats the “shape” of politics and the country is on par for 2025. Republicans own the state of media, economy, global destabilization, jobs, education, security and debt
We lost hope for the future b/c of Dem lack of leadership.
For decades Dems held the door tight to new blood while the GOP were smart enough to recruit college students.
Two parties are not enough, especially when one of them has turned into a cult around an authoritarian leader. The Democratic party can't rule alone for all time.
Because they sit rather than stand.
They poll rather than do.
They profit just as much as fascists.
And they scramble around wondering what to do next. "We could introduce legislation to..."
Maybe if dems showed some spine and got some balls and fought back instead of dressing in pink to protest they might fsre better.They’re as stupid as the coward caucus.Thinking that faux tough talk will cause change.DO SOMETHING!!!
They need to stand in front of the doors to the Departments with US Marshals themselves to stop musk's minions from entering.
Every day have an impeachment rally on the Capitol steps making sure Americans know the damage he's doing!
Well, leadership is determined to position the party as Republican lite for a third decade in a row. People want opposition to republicans where it matters. Stop bowing to corporate masters and represent the people.
The Democrats are crawling to the right and doing more to appease the centrist Republicans than they are the leftist that could carry the party. It’s time for the Democratic Party to die off and let a new party rise up in its ashes.
Did those polled not see all of the good things Biden did for the economy & jobs? Dems always seem to be in response mode to the R's, instead of setting the message themselves. Dems have over-emphasized DIA when they should have focused on unifying ppl around bread-and-butter issues.
Sigh ... Its the Bernie Madoff problem. One side is lying and offering the impossible, the other side is forced to compete in a rigged game. They are trying to simply play the game and stick to the rules. That's fine IF they are also making sure to raise hell ... They censured the wrong Green.
The dem. party is in bad shape b/c the people that run it don't know what they're doing. The dem. operation cost Harris & other dems in 2024 b/c they got sucked into Fox News story that Harris needed "a plan." What she needed to do was hammer home how unqualified Trump was/is. She had a message
Oh please! We are in the middle of a Republican lead Coup that is hitting in every way possible. How could ANY opposition have a clean clear front. The D’s are playing that carney game “Whack A Mole.” Successes in one quarter just opens 2 or three more avenues. R’s have weaponized our freedoms.
Give them a call and say you want to get involved and think their current strategies won’t win elections. They will just ignore you in favor of rich people. Utter assholes.
I would very much like to see some of the headlines that you generate surrounding the craze to behavior of the flailing president to accurately report how horribly he’s doing tanking the economy.
Their message of “let’s wait and see” isn’t working! Their message of “let’s let the courts decide” isn’t working! They need to be fighting with actions and less words. Example: don’t show to a presidential speech if it isn’t the State Of The Union.
No belief in the Democrats anymore. Need a real leader, a good speaker, not some dullard hell bent on focusing on minor issues. Biden was obviously dire by the end, Kamala came in, and racist America then took over, believing a crook, abuser, fraudster, liar, egotistical loon like Trump instead.
Perhaps they should read the back copy of the WSJ in October that stated whoever won the election in November was inheriting a very healthy economy. Then compare it to what’s happening now.
They need to fire whoever said to just print little hand held signs to show their disdain and hire someone who will blast Rage Against The Machine into their earholes every morning.
Because they, as a party, are showing barely token displeasure with current events. Only 6 members are speaking out against it. What is the party doing to fire up their base?
It's suppose to be ilegal to support a business but guess no rules for maga Jd vance still running company that buys out properties go bankrupt Eye wink
TheDemocrats have to hold those town halls the GOP are not doing. They also need a weekly news conf to point out the anti American actions of the GOP. They need to point out the chaos and the alternatives.
They want to go right. We need them to go left...Medicare for all, tax paid college for all, out with citizens united, supreme court term limits, congress and senate term limits.
Go EU or go home.
You promise all this, and you get my family's votes.
By the time Trump gets done, the democrats won’t need a brand fix. Let chainsaw Musk continue to wreak havoc while Trump plays used car salesman for him. I bet the whining will stop about federal spending as jobs, federal benefits and services dry up. Why no DEI issues in town halls 😏
AOC and Bernie Sanders are good leaders but it's also possible to start at the local level. Arrange a local town hall meeting and talk about ideas to support each other and to resist peacefully. Run for local office or support candidates that are good. If the media is corrupt, start a newsletter.
There's a lot going on at the local level right now, not nearly enough at the national level. As communities feel the pain of trump's actions, more and more people are protesting and engaging their Congressional members, also deciding to run for office themselves.
House leadership hasn't a clue. They carry on as though everything is normal, business-as-usual. That's great that they are trying to do their jobs, but what we are seeing right now in the White House and in the GOP enablers is ANYTHING BUT normal. The US burns and Dems are busy fiddling.
Elon is literally hand delivering them the perfect message to run on. Pay attention to what Bernie Sanders is doing. Be the party for the working class, that actually identifies waste, fraud and abuse in the government. Go after the billionaires that control the government and media.
It would be easier if they unabashedly stood with the middle/lower class instead of consistently straddling the line.
We lost hope for the future b/c of Dem lack of leadership.
For decades Dems held the door tight to new blood while the GOP were smart enough to recruit college students.
“There is nothing we can do. They have the majority” is terrible for the brand.
You know who is the brand?
They poll rather than do.
They profit just as much as fascists.
And they scramble around wondering what to do next. "We could introduce legislation to..."
Every day have an impeachment rally on the Capitol steps making sure Americans know the damage he's doing!
fuck Democrats
do your job
Tell me more about the “Democratic Party’s brand” as Trump destroys the constitution and makes himself a king.
I’m done with you.
Go EU or go home.
You promise all this, and you get my family's votes.
Where our spines are as weak as the other sides lies.
I'll take $100 for it's use.