As I said before, my buddy Dingleberry Don is the new Judge, Jury and the Executioner. All the "Due Process" occurs within his brain, thus saving the tax payers billions of dollars.
Libs don't seem to get it, but that's one way DOGGE saves money.
“Testing presidential power”?
What the actual fuck???
Trulp’s orders are the rule of criminal, not president who obey the law.
Trump has no rights or given power to issue all those illegal orders and demand what he is demanding.
And he will not stop until he will be stopped.
If Trump succeeds in expanding presidential power while sidelining the judiciary, the U.S. could shift toward a more authoritarian or illiberal democracy. This would mean weaker checks and balances, greater executive control over law enforcement and policy, and diminished judicial independence. 😔
Then we will see if it is only the media with no balls. Will the citizens of the United States of America rise up and demand justice? Will we risk it all for our Country? Donald Trump wants to find out. This is a no shit deal America. This is real!
He needs to be stopped with his revenge crusade and released of his duties. He said he would be a dictator day one and is true to his word. Somehow he must be stopped along with his bus of clowns!!
You know what we all need to stop doing?
We need to stop repeating his simplistic 3rd grade vocabulary "like never before" and 5th grade mentality by using bigger words. Big words will confuse him and his base. Let's be critical more subtly lest we be canceled or ICE'd
Ignoring court orders means people in Texas that have problem pregnancies can now get abortions and physicians and hospitals now have the right to perform them without fear of court orders
Judges aren't stopping Trump. The law is. The Constitution gives SCOTUS & federal courts judicial power. Since 1803 and by unanimous SCOTUS ruling, that means power to interpret the law. That SCOTUS included a signer of the Declaration and other Founding Fathers. So take that, SCOTUS originalists.
And what if SCOTUS, on a five to four basis, consistently decides with the Dear Leader who has a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate, as shown by the vote on the Continuing Resolution. Every autocratic government i know of has courts.
I know how you feel. I've felt the same way. Resist At every opportunity. But I believe nonviolent Resistance and legal action is the only way to take down a faclsist.
Anything Trump does that is supported by SCOTUS is de facto “legal”. Any legal challenges or protests against “legal” actions are doomed. We would have to live with it until constitutional amendment or a SCOTUS change n then overrule. I wouldn’t bet on either.
I know how you feel. But there's a difference between legal criminality and impeachable offences. I think his violations of the Impoundment Act is illegal but he can't be criminally prosecuted for it. But it's an impeachable offence. So RESIST nonviolently be ready to impeach asap if possible.
That was his last run. Seriously, you need to be more direct to the audience that is begging for you to speak for us. We’re past the testing stage and we’re in bulldozers mode. I sincerely hope there’s some quiet quick planning going on. Europe is treating the situation as deadly serious. It is.
He is not Testing shit, he is doing it. And no one will dare stop him. No judge, no media, we can scream shout the constitution unfortunately is meaningless to Trump and the Republicans
Stop using neutral language in your reporting. Clearly state that this criminal is actively committing illegal acts while in the white house, and will continue to do so. Trump is committing high crimes and misdemeanors against the United States while in office.
You're loathsome Mr. Trump
you're the king of useless crap
your soul is non-existent
and your heart smaller than a gnats
Mr Trump, you're no better than a big
pile of elephant SCAT!
(take on Grinch song) LOL
worse case scenario after all the Judges & Courts are exhausted and a DOJ Trump owns, does its best in crumbling the Republic into a full Dictatorship (BTW: we are already halfway in that hell) There is always Martial Law, the ultimate power and sweet reward for a Malignant Narcissist.
At some point the juxtaposition of Project 2025’s White Christian Nationalist playbook and immortality needs to collide! Bullying, lies, overt racism, xenophobia and ignoring court orders are immoral in nature.
Americans think it’s a joke , economic or military war are the same , the USA is at war with Canada and Mexico, and soon the EU , Americans are not safe anywhere than the country that started the war .how Americans don’t understand, they are at war . But more than half the USA population enjoy war
Get more rigorous in your language and call a spade a spade. He’s not “testing presidential power”; he’s a fascist dictator who has rendered the rule of law a quaint relic of the past. He’s already ignored the courts. The testing part is over.
Libs don't seem to get it, but that's one way DOGGE saves money.
What the actual fuck???
Trulp’s orders are the rule of criminal, not president who obey the law.
Trump has no rights or given power to issue all those illegal orders and demand what he is demanding.
And he will not stop until he will be stopped.
What happens when Trump
Declares Martial Law,
replacing civilian rule
with military authority,
suspending civil liberties
and allowing the military
to enforce laws?
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We need to stop repeating his simplistic 3rd grade vocabulary "like never before" and 5th grade mentality by using bigger words. Big words will confuse him and his base. Let's be critical more subtly lest we be canceled or ICE'd
Vance said, reference a Supreme Court ruling, "The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it."
Trump/Vance plan on doing anything they want, illegal or not.
America wake up!!!
Time is running out!!
Trump is the biggest loser.
He goes to the courtroom weekly and loses.
He's like Reggie Strickland, Travis Fulton, and Reggie Jackson.
Swing and a whiff
you're the king of useless crap
your soul is non-existent
and your heart smaller than a gnats
Mr Trump, you're no better than a big
pile of elephant SCAT!
(take on Grinch song) LOL
Well that’s it then. That’s fascism. If the rule of law doesn’t constrain the executive, that’s the ballgame. America is over.