What is going here! Fascist trump took on oath. He swore on the Bible to protect Democracy against domestic enemies. He broke his pledge! Now he's broken 💯s of constitutional laws! This is grounds alone to have him arrested and charged with treason! What is the Legislative Branch waiting for war!!!
After the SOTU, trump didn't do himself any favors by that smug comment to the CJ (i.e. thanks for last summer). I bet that miffed Roberts just a bit. ⚖️
From the infamous Roberts of the Roberts court: Citizens United v FEC & Trump v U.S. Roberts enabled the super rich to determine elections & gave god like powers to the president by giving that person immunity. Too little too late Johnny boy. He’s coming for you too. Save your empty words.
This administration is blatantly ignoring lawful orders from the court. Ordinary people would be arrested, but not the rich and powerful.
Get money out of our politics.
It wasn't a rebuke.
Translation of Roberts' statement:
"Trump, calm down.
It will end up with SCOTUS, and we'll rule in your favor."
Lacking the support of SCOTUS it weakening Trump substantially. They can not be intimidated.
Whoda thunk.
While he’s running around, trying to take revenge, who exactly is running our country?!
Thanks to this asshole.