Sure. Just ask Paula Scanlan, swimmer at UPenn, what she thought about Lia Thomas invading the women's lockerroom and the UPenn administration gaslighting and pressuring Paula and other women to go along with this violation. She's pissed, millions of women are pissed, this is part of why Biden lost.
Evil, evil, evil! Because the Mar a Lago Monster is freaked out by transgender athletes, he cuts funding for entire departments, causing harm to countless innocent bystanders, many of whom may even agree with him. His meat-ax approach to every issue is getting very, very old. Court action needed!
I'm not sure that any law is going to keep a man who is intent on harming a woman out of the woman's restroom...these "laws" are about punishing a human person for living freely because old white people don't understand it. You don't have to understand.
The law allows a woman to call the police/security if she finds a man in her restroom. If the man claims to be a woman, that right disappears.
Transgenderism - and especially self-ID - makes it *much easier* for perverts and abusers to access vulnerable women and children.
Nah you’re just falling for the age old recycled “gays are groomers” Nazi era myth contemporarily rebranded for trans folks - trans women just want to exist safely and in peace regardless of your bigotry
--medical research into cancer and other diseases that impact tens of millions of Americans;
--applied physics experiments that benefit national security; and
--the education of the next gen of doctors, lawyers, teachers and other leaders.
I still don't understand how trans peeps can be allowed to compete. I just can't for the life of me see this as being fair. Give them a separate games event, fine. What am I missing? In the UK, I.d say 99% of peeps agree on this. Madness.
This is where the (admittedly broad) idea arises that the state's anti-LGTB+ attitude in the USA could develop into what the Nazis needed in Germany: a domestic, degrading social enemy.
Not athletes.
One athlete.
Name one sport dominated by trans women?
Go ahead, while you're thinking, I'll be blocking you.
It’s about keeping *males* out of women’s sports, locker rooms, and intimate spaces.
ALL males regardless of how they identify.
Transgenderism - and especially self-ID - makes it *much easier* for perverts and abusers to access vulnerable women and children.
But once is once too often.
Why don't you let them figure it out,
and stop being a monster.
Go back, and try again.
Self ID has been a free pass to any man, anywhere, any time if he uses the magic words “I identify as.”
That’s inherently dangerous to women and girls and an expansion of male privilege.
Trans rights are human rights, but male supremacy is not one of them.
--medical research into cancer and other diseases that impact tens of millions of Americans;
--applied physics experiments that benefit national security; and
--the education of the next gen of doctors, lawyers, teachers and other leaders.
This does NOT make America great.