Lived there 1994-95 and worked for AEON before going to grad school at UChicago! Also met my ex there though he was from Tokyo. Only reached JLPT N1 but spoke better than read/wrote of course...spoke mostly 日本語 to my kid for their first 2 years of life. 🥰
this shits why we gotta use captions I would not have realized this was about tongs if I couldnt read japanese. yes even with the tiny picture hidden in the bottom right
In context, it's clearly the name of a club, but how the translator got "Greek" when the Japanese for "Greek" contains neither a グ nor a ー nor a ク remains a mystery.
Major headslap over here. I could have sworn I’ve seen グリーク in use, possibly for Greek yogurt, but a few searches turns up nothing. How did I forget ギリシャ?
This feels like one of those カタカナ blind spots where you expect the word to be one thing, when instead it’s derived from a different language.
The Chinese 包夹 used here is common in bakeries to mean 'tongs' to pick up bread. And yes, I get it, there's confusion over the rendering of 外来語 written in カタカナ into English provoking snarky laughter among native English speakers since the end of WWII, but c'mon, at least they are trying!
I think most people would get the meaning after a moment’s thought anyway, so the mistake really isn’t a big deal. This particular one just made me giggle.
(Yes, I was given to understand that the Chinese translation is perfectly accurate)
(While we’re on Nagoya shop names, my other favourite is in Osu and called ‘Boobies Tattoo’)
This feels like one of those カタカナ blind spots where you expect the word to be one thing, when instead it’s derived from a different language.
(Yes, I was given to understand that the Chinese translation is perfectly accurate)
I’ve been living in Japan for nearly 20 years, speaking and reading Japanese since before I moved here.
I had to read what you wrote multiple times before I saw the problem.
I blame my lack of coffee this morning.