Do something similar to what Trump did by setting up Afghanistan for failure before leaving. Start shit (but for the right reasons) that the Trump admin are so unwilling to handle that they'll rather bail
This would be a situation where people need to understand Biden. Right now he's getting everything he can to Ukraine. If, while Biden is still in office, trump says no more for Ukraine/they need to negotiate, Biden is likely to, in public, restate that Ukraine cannot target Moscow/etc...
As if. Ukraine is going to be told to just give up and he will absolutely pull support. He doesn't broadcast it because that could have driven support to Harris. He didn't talk about Gaza or Ukraine because he doesn't have to. All he said was he will pull out of foreign wars.
And realistically, Biden is probably going to make sure Ukraine gets that information anyway for when trump is in office and cuts off Ukraine.
"Waste of money."