NEWS: Miss S Coyle Cellan-Jones, socialite and dance connoisseur, said when interviewed “ma mère has beaucoup de talent, she can danse, she can intellectualise et can make bonne chutney de pomme, although moi is not une grande fan of that”.
That was something special indeed. Back in 1960 I think it was our family were holidaying near & Gran & I voted to go to B'pool for the afternoon tea dance at the Tower. Was marvellous, my family were good dancers & had taught me. Gran & I twirled around. The Tower Organ rose & played. Fun times. :)
It’s a lovely floor to dance on👏🥰I used to go most weekends to dance from Preston because there were not many places to dance there,that my parents would let me go to 🥰 but thinking back they let me go on a bus and to catch the last bus back at 11 o’clock and thought it was safer 🤣
I am not a dancer - far from it - but when I was in Blackpool and visited the Tower Ballroom a shiver went down my spine. I recall the original Come Dancing on the BBC and my late mum offering her verdict on the dress that Edith from Acton had sown 10,000 sequins on herself by hand.....
In 1992, while a visiting scholar at Yale, I joined the ballroom dancing club. Mostly Chinese, I think. I am very bad at ballroom dancing and martial arts, two similar skills, but it was fun.
Guess the link to your post
There are a crowd of dancers who come from all over the country to dance there.
We have nicknames for them, as there are some real characters but all great dancers.