You mean they're not coming from insane asylums and prisons? 😮 That's what our future leader would have is believe.🤬 Thank goodness we're still considered their friends.👍♥️
Australian here - kinda odd but we do the same.
We have lots of well trained firefighters. No way would we send anyone that could cause more harm to peers by making newbie mistakes.
Plenty of goodwill being sent from our way to you but not a lot to the bum-hole-orange-monster cult followers.
It was just a post about story attached.
Wish I could find it again
We have lots of well trained firefighters. No way would we send anyone that could cause more harm to peers by making newbie mistakes.
Plenty of goodwill being sent from our way to you but not a lot to the bum-hole-orange-monster cult followers.