Agree, and, as I drive around every town in every state and see all the churches it strikes me that if they really followed their profits teaching we couldn't have any hungry or homeless people.
I have never trusted one that can believe such pure nonsense and claim it to be how everyone should live their lives. Repeat it as facts and then judge others that are based in reality with their book.
Why? It makes perfect sense, the cross was a terrible tortuous way to murder people. They focus on the murder device rather than the man it murdered (allegedly).
it s not surprising really, since the cross was a torturous method of execution. They pay more attention to the cross than the man they think was on it.
It doesn’t matter how much we wish she wasn’t, Barbie is just a tool of the patriarchy. All her iterations/“jobs” have been a front to push the blonde, blue-eyed ideal we all fail to achieve.
no "Christian" wears a cross.. That is literally making a show of your religion "..... as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward "
Well, it is an instrument of torture and execution, the equivalent of wearing a hangman's noose necklace, so it makes sense that they would support cruelty, starvation, disease, and fascism.
As jewelry, I kind of liked them, some can be quite beautiful, but those seem to miss the point of wearing them. The type of Christians I grew up around has me never wanting to wear them. They are just for show and social status in a click of people who do not believe the message.
Any understanding of the history of Christianity from the inquisition to the crusades to the ongoing cases of child abuse within christian churches can see it's business as usual for the death cult that is christianity. It's entirely on brand. Maybe just open your eyes and take your own cross off.
The fish was used, from what I recall, and I'm not an expert on this theme, to give directions to Christians. They would put it on the walls like a signal to where the Christians were gathering.
They are willing to deport as many children Citizens as it takes to get all the brown people out, they’ve already answered that question about it. They call it✌️self-deportation✌️
Well, looking back at the crusades, chattel slavery, the Catholic church actions against the tribes, and King Leopold II, it actually makes a lot of sense!
It seems that all the republicans are fake Christian’s ,but when your the head rapist as him importing the Tate brothers,or any celeb that showed up for are rapist are wife beaters,or church leaders or cops just keep raping young girls,and sometimes young men,it’s the norm and accepted SAD
Peak hypocrisy was Rubio's interview justifying upending USAID support to sick and starving people around the globe, while sporting a large ash cross on his forehead.
They voted for a wannabe king, they believe insane doctrines about evil incarnate walking among them, they voted for retribution against perceived enemies. A slow moving religious civil war is developing, and Putin couldn't be happier.
Delaying treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, when no such fetus has ever been viable, prioritizes ideas over people and denies reality. That is nihilism—whether driven by despair or ideology makes no difference.
Nihilism taking refuge in religion is nihilism on steroids.
it’s literally a person nailed to a cross. (which the Romans didn’t do until after Xian’s started using it as their symbol). it seems kinda of morbid and gothy to wear a person nailed to a cross around your neck. ewwww
For many of them, especially politicians, it is merely a prop. Much like the obligatory lapel flag pin to give the false impression they actually support American principles.
You mean that like that stepmonster who had her stepson locked up for years... she's being taken away and really all I saw was the crucifix hanging around her neck.
and you wonder: are there sub species of humans. like that is no where in me.
Exactly. I sm not Christian . But I hate people who use that cross for their own benefit.
I left the church long ago. But u continue to see the people use and abuse religious beliefs for their agenda.
So much hate I have for those people.
They certainly don't abide by "Do to others as you would have them do to you" or "Love your neighbor as yourself", they have those a little twisted around in their small, pea sized brains !
It's been an issue since Constantine the great in 306 AD. Religion is a tool used by men to control the masses and to inflicted suffering upon those whom they deam lesser.
Nothing good has come from Christianity that wasn't first rooted in terrorism and death.
As a long time user of Tiktok, you can guarantee a comment left by someone with a cross in their profile will be the most hateful, ignorant thing you can imagine.
A cross is a torture device. I will never understand wearing one for paying reverence to a man that cared about humanity. It seems kinda disrespectful and creepy.
When the voices in your head tell you to lop the tip of your cock off and then murder and burn your child...
Obedience is NOT a virtue
I concur with your sentiment, but of 3800 religions....not one has a God that you have ever seen...
They'd/we all be better served to read the word good and moral in a dictionary, then live it.
The Cross ain't what it used to be
A sign of Truth and Light
A symbol of salvation and love
And kindness in this life.
It now demonstrates division and hate to all who don't agree
Because the wearer sees only what they want to see.
Would cry seeing what it's become
But forgive those who hate in his name and what that cross has become.
Atheists have more compassion.
What C implemented was the Chi Rho symbol, as seen
Call each of these Senators to NOT vote with the GOP & instead grow a spine. Each number starts with 202-224
Schumer - 6542
Hassan - 3324
Peters - 6221
Durbin - 2152
Schatz - 3934
King - 5344
Shaheen - 2841
Fetterman - 4254
Cortez Masto - 3542
Gillibrand - 4451
Spare me the theatrics
Also, feels more like it’s symbolizing the metaphorical crucifying they are DOING to others.
Coveting neighbours wife
Bearing false witness
Taking the Lord’s name in vain
Make no idol
Shall not murder
Nihilism taking refuge in religion is nihilism on steroids.
Believing bullshit is dangerous.
and you wonder: are there sub species of humans. like that is no where in me.
He is paranoid and insane.
World leaders stop acting as statist in his Oval Shit showroom
I left the church long ago. But u continue to see the people use and abuse religious beliefs for their agenda.
So much hate I have for those people.
Nothing good has come from Christianity that wasn't first rooted in terrorism and death.
2 Thessalonians 2:8-12