Let's be honest, they're framing it as a "male loneliness crisis" coz they don't actually want friends like the comic says
They're just trying to say they're entitled to a subservient bangmaid mommy-wife without coming out & saying it coz they know they'd be called out on their insane entitlement
They're just trying to say they're entitled to a subservient bangmaid mommy-wife without coming out & saying it coz they know they'd be called out on their insane entitlement
The longer the loneliness, the more one likely thinks in terms of "deserving," but there is always an implicit acknowledgement of mutual effort
If we actually want to fix it, we need third spaces you don't need to pay to access
I don't really know if we can fix that. But we can address one of the interim causes, which is the lack of ways to gain new friends once you become an adult
To that end, while social circles have dwindled for both genders, men have seen the sharpest in isolation:
Third spaces that don’t require payment would be a massive step.
I went youth hostelling before uni and it was invaluable. Even travelling with friends, because you met new folks every day, I got to practice making friends before I went to uni
Yet at some point we have to acknowledge it's up to those boys & young men to choose to be who they are, especially when the truth is presented to them. We can't shift that ultimate responsibility away from them.
If my interpretation of events isn't talking about you, why take offense?
Are you willing to consider that maybe the problem isn't with those calling out the problems, but those demanding everyone simply fix those problems FOR them?
"It must be their fault. They must just be failed human beings"
You realise it's possible to be a feminist while still being capable of having sympathy for other human beings, even if they're men? It's not ideologically necessary to be a horrible ghoul.
"It must be societies fault. We can never ask men to put in the effort to carry their own emotional burdens and be people others want in their lives"
It's possible we all outta fucks to give
The disconnect is you not realizing that we are rejecting Patriarchy, while entitled males who've benefitted from it refuse to accept they & their attitudes can be rejected
Men aren't entitled to friends or lovers.
Again, no one is genetically predisposed to be a bad person.
The amount of that type of content being pushed everywhere is insane.
But you recognize how just letting self-proclaimed sigma males figure it out for themselves is very clearly not working
Yeah it’s not your job to clean up after their mess
But if you want things to get better, you’ll have to do your part too
If those people get left behind, not our problem
If you already hate a type of person you end up not wasting thoughts to understand them better (we're all guilty of this tbh)