Own up?? lol. To what??? Your bullshit??? That’s a you problem. You just mad you got called on it. Nothing you’ve said since justifies your initial bullshit that you spewed. “If” isn’t going to help. Now scooch along.
Says the clown who has of understanding of an Air Crash Investigation.
Until that ACI has been carried out, everything you read as 'fact' is only made-up bollocks or supposition, apart from: 2aircraft involved and 70 dead.
The black boxes have yet to be looked at.
The CVR from the plane has only JUST been found, and the military arent publicly saying if the Blackhawk had carried a CVR or not.
But here is a clown who seems to have special inside info!
Don't think you're laughing now clown lol
Says the clown who has of understanding of an Air Crash Investigation.
Until that ACI has been carried out, everything you read as 'fact' is only made-up bollocks or supposition, apart from: 2aircraft involved and 70 dead.
But you're already onto the next fake outrage, aren't you Blue MAGA?
The black boxes have yet to be looked at.
The CVR from the plane has only JUST been found, and the military arent publicly saying if the Blackhawk had carried a CVR or not.
But here is a clown who seems to have special inside info!
What a twat!