Can't wait for when this update rolls out and Twitter is automatically banned from all app stores and the EU, forcing everyone who has yet to move away from that hellsite to somewhere else!
Like this funny lil' place! :)
This. Believe you me, I wish it could be salvaged, but the culture of toxicity endemic to it, with an algorithm that sees the most toxic people gets the most views, is -- for want of a better term -- cancerous. It has metastasized to every corner of the site. It's beyond help now.
Not only that, but remember when someone called that he would hide people's liked posts because they caught him in 8K 120 fps liking posts that were "not mature"
I think the only argument I heard that had any actual merit to it was that currently blocking is really easy to circumvent, just make a second acct that's linked to your main one and switch every time you want to creep. But going the 'Make It Worse' approach shouldn't be how it's handled.
They can't like, reply or repost ooh but they sure as hell can screenshot and share it with their minions so they can go on an all out harassment campaign on the user.
They will continue to announce it and then they will "postpone it", because realistically this can be deemed illegal and can result to the app getting removed from the stores as a result of lack of privacy.
Unfortunately that was proven false, no terms state the app needs a block button, that the the have the ability to block in the most broad term, so this would still count.
New vectors in stalking though…
Both Google and Apple say you must include "The ability to block abusive users from the service." It was one reason he stepped back removing blocking all together.
Probably seeing how close he can toe the line. Hopefully he reaches the fond out part of fuck around again.
i have to assume its because he started clicking on random accounts, but tons of people have HIM blocked that it hurt his feelings, so now he's doing this.
it's very funny to see how they paint blocking as an evil thing because this was written from the pov of someone who was blocked for a very good reason and lost their mind when they used an alt and the person who blocked them called them a dumbass or something
This is such an entitled take on the block function. The person who gets blocked shouldn't have access to someone else's posts whatsoever, but Elon's mad that 90% of the non-bot users have him blocked and hate him
If the Block Button works as it should, it means he can't bug or stalk people, which was the entire reason he tried to buy (and was later force to commit to buying) Xhitter.
It's so awful to see what's happening, the block button is so important in any social media. I'm afraid stalkers and bad actors may take advantage of this.
I don't understand why they'd bother with this visibility thing with the Block button; that's what Muting is for; much softer and visibility is still an option
There is no reason to do this except for Elmo to get more visibility/impressions in an attempt to increase revenue
I’m confused. So if I block someone, they can still see my posts, but not interact. But if they then block me, it would still block posts? Is this change just making it so block doesn’t auto-hide posts for the person I block? Am I missing a detail about privacy?
Interesting. That’s not what the text says in the announcement but if that’s how it’s executed I could see why it would be so problematic. I’ll keep an eye out, thanks!
Like this funny lil' place! :)
You just know it's because his exes have him blocked
At this point, even if someone else takes over, the culture there is so toxic that it would be better to get rid of it entirely.
We do not want another Tumblr exodus to happen again where people from tumblr infected both twitter and Reddit and ruined it to begin with.
Moron does not learn, does he?
Guess he's still mad that everyone blocks him.
The downfall of Twitter is a fucking cautionary tale at this point.
tbh is incredible he really think this gonna save twitter and not make it WORSE
New vectors in stalking though…
Probably seeing how close he can toe the line. Hopefully he reaches the fond out part of fuck around again.
(but maybe the fascist would just leave that country)
There is no reason to do this except for Elmo to get more visibility/impressions in an attempt to increase revenue
bitch that's called a restraining order
...i suppose it's the most logically consistent thing he's ever done, in that sense