Hmmm. And I wonder why that is? Could it be because legacy media like The NY Times prefers chaos to stability and refused to cover the actual facts on Biden’s successful Presidency until it was too late? Yea, I think so.
I don’t think Coy is all that important of a journalist to get to declare that this is so. I think history will render a different opinion. In fact who is he for that matter. Never heard of him.
Or Biden could've stepped down like he said he was going to before he took office, Democrats could've had a primary and the winner could've represented working class voters better than say relying on celebrity endorsements, Liz Cheney and Orange Man Bad tropes
Feckless Garland DOJ & Tiktok ban during an election year, while giving unwavering support to our most genocidal ally were insane choices that caused fascism to get a huge foothold for the coming years. Biden sacrificed the working class at THESE altars.
Biden didn’t lose the working class, the working class lost him…they lost him to misinformation and lies, to silos of conspiracy theories and inept podcast hosts, to a generation of lost young men with toxic digital role models.
Если в христианстве проблема снята жесткой иерархией священников, то есть жрецы победили волхвов, то в исламе между священниками и волхвами наблюдается шаткое равновесие.
What the hell are you guys talking about? Working class people need a cheaper groceries and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn’t do a single thing to help them. They’ll both be remembered as utter failures.
When are we going to start blaming the people who are actually to blame for this - the voters? It isn't Biden or Harris's fault that voters chose to vote against the only politicians who were clearly fighting for them. They voted against their own economic interests in favor of hatred and grievance.
It's not the candidates fault that voters didn't cast ballots for them? With this attitude we are doomed to repeat this result (I guess 2024 was a repeat of 2020). The dnc/outside supporting groups needs to figure out why their messaging was so off from what the electorate wanted to hear.
We need to stop infantilizing the voters. All of the information about what Trump would do to them and the country was readily available. That voters would rather voted for a sexual abusing felon over Kamala Harris tells me all I need to know about voters.
I don't disagree with you that the info about Trump and his record was out there. Kamala and her outside group spent $2B and look what that got her? Her message was wrong all along and I don't think anyone on her side (including me) knew it. That has to be examined.
I guess where I disagree with you is that with Trump being as awful as he clearly was/is the message shouldn't have mattered. Voters should have been ready to walk over hot coals to vote for anyone but him.
Biden will be remembered as the president who hung on too long; who should’ve initially declined to run for reelection for all the right reasons he stated after he was forced to stand down. He clung to power out of hubris and crashed his own party. Sad but true.
I’m so sick of this shit. Let’s try “champion of the working class whom the working class abandoned out of sheer stupidity and lack of respect for our democracy.”
Laziness by who? Kamala seemed to be working damn hard. Perhaps people on the ground not going door to door enough? I certainly take blame for that because I'm too damn tired and sick every day. Laziness of social media content makers who didn't get the word out? Laziness of us as citizens?
Having seen how energetically she campaigned and how thoroughly she prepared for the debate, which she absolutely dominated, I wish she had stayed in the Senate before making another run for POTUS. She just ran out of runway but is now stuck under Biden's cloud.
She would of won if her stance was I'm not debating, acknowledging or wasting a moment of my time with a disqualified Republican candidate. That would have popped the MAGA spell.
Um she wanted to debate him again, Trump refused because he was too scared to. The blame lies with him not her, and the public for not caring that he dodged debates.
Mainstream media, including the New York Times, has spent a decade shilling for Trump. I'm not interested in their opinions on how voters got it wrong or how the Democrats failed at every turn. They aided and abetted Trump with all the sanewashing.
No he won’t, his complete support of genocide will cloud that truth. You could also say this as “Old man doesn’t get credit because he could barely stay on topic/stay awake past 7pm and couldn’t tout his own accomplishments while he was the most powerful person in the country” 🙄
If you're talking about Israel, it's hilarious to me how the pro-Hamas front got conned by Trump, who took their votes and is now populating his administration with some of the most virulent anti-Muslim hacks the country has ever seen.
It was. Trump is terrible, and his base is either the same or completely fooled by the most successful con man in this country’s history, which is more of an indictment of the US education system than anything, but it still stands that Biden sucks.
Israel was hardly a failure at all, in fact it was one of his successes. Thanks to our resolute support for Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah have been kneecapped, Syria's dictator Assad has been deposed and Iran has been cowed into submission. The Middle East is a safer place now.
Republicans and reporters who have printed and broadcast every Republican lie they've uttered in the last 10 years lost Democrats the middle class, not Biden not Democratic policies but Republicans and the Press. Reporters used to be smarter
Blame the Hillary Clinton/Kamala Harris DNC that think a booming Stock Market is good for the working class. The Market is booming because they are exploiting and squeezing the working class to drive up their profits.
You turfed the public discourse and now you're standing there like it's not your knife in America's back. Fuckers
So glad I canceled my subscription!
You’re blind if you’re think this presidency was a success. If it was, we wouldn’t be entering an era with a 100% conservative majority.
Didn’t you get the hint?