Hi Karen. I do this all the time. Best way is to connect on social media to the author you want (in your genre), follow, repost, comment, LIKE, and read one of their books, then do a book review. Then contact them and make your request. Good luck!
ask those whose work u genuinely admire (tell them so) & why yr book might interest them; give ample time (offer to mail bound ms or email doc, as timing of ARCS may b too late); flag ideal + latest dates; allow them an out, as ppl are busy. good luck! 🍀 it feels icky but everyone has to do it
Don't take it personally if someone says no (either before or after they read the manuscript), and understand that you are asking busy people to do unpaid work.
I know it's cringe but your request doesn't have to cringe/apologize--everyone knows the deal and what's at stake. Give folks an out, be clear about dates, ask for a few more than you need (so some can say no or, worse, fall through) (1/2)
Ask friends but def also strangers if you think they'll get your book and be good for it, see if your editor/agent have suggestions and/or are willing to do some heavy lifting, ask if they prefer e-copy or hard copy, didn't be afraid to f/u if you don't hear back and time is running out. xo. (2/2)