A lot of folks are sure their careers will somehow survive working for Trump this time better than the last crew. Anybody hear from Ryan Zinke much these days?
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I have so many friends in federal agencies, and I fear for all of their livelihoods. They survived the first go around, but I feel like this time there will be some kind of loyalty test, even for the low level bureaucrats.
Yea that is interesting as not a word or post from Ryan. I did a SEAL platoon with Ryan back in the day (1988) at ST-1. He was my OIC. Never really took Ryan for a MAGAt just in it for himself.
The bright side to some of these clowns getting Cabinet jobs is that the Toddler-in-Chief will give them a little time in the job, then have a meltdown and publicly humiliate them by firing them in a rage filled “Truth”.
I honestly believe that’s his plan. He’s not a “forgive & forget” kind of guy.
All the 20-something staffers I know who sold out the last time went into "consulting," or got sucked into a pyramid scheme, so...I'm expecting them all to be back out of the wood work any minute.
Yep. Assuming Rubio ultimately becomes SoS it will be the end of his political career, I give it less than twelve months before he's entirely irrelevant save for an occasional Hannity appearance.
Given that trumplestiltskin's last administration was strewn with the corpses of those who'd displeased him, I'm sure we'll see Rubio's body on the WH lawn in under a year.
Unfortunately yes, he just won as our congressman here in MT, guess what he did in the White House means nothing to the people I share this state with🤬🤬
I asked my MAGA boss a work related question, he replied
“Wow, you Kamala voters really are dumb f*cks”
Welcome to being a woman under Trump’s America. Women in the workforce are scared.
Our bosses voted for a rapist and they are bragging about it.
I’m a UPS Teamster steward. I can’t curse my boss unless he curses at me first. I’m BEGGING to hear something like this come my way. The string of profanities would make a sailor blush.
Despicable. I had the worst boss ever fire me bc he knew I was a Dem. The dumba** actually did me a huge favor. He felt sOrRy about the migrants. Sure you do hoss. Oh and he’s not wyt. Make it make sense.
Fred, I entered the male workforce of orthopedic sales years ago. I have fought so hard to win a seat at the table. To be the best at what I do because of my sex. I’m just here to highlight what it’s now like as “boots on the ground” in trumps white man world. Our day to day Harassment is ⬆️
I feel your frustration. I don't have a clear-cut answer. It's early days into this fucktastophe, really no time to act. You are the better person, but it rankles. Do the job. Lead by example. Put your energy into supporting other women. Keep calm, carry on. Sending love & light.
Mar A Lardo.
Or Reince Priebus
Or Tom Price.
How’s Rudy doing??
I honestly believe that’s his plan. He’s not a “forgive & forget” kind of guy.
“Wow, you Kamala voters really are dumb f*cks”
Welcome to being a woman under Trump’s America. Women in the workforce are scared.
Our bosses voted for a rapist and they are bragging about it.
Many women have to endure a lot to get a paycheck. We don’t have the luxury to just up and quit, if we could we would.
Sorry, this is your situation.
Then what do I do?
And senate seats?