This is insane. -- Musk associates have received access to federal human resources databases containing sensitive personal information for millions of federal employees. The databases include medical histories, Social Security numbers, workplace evaluations, and other private data.
Reposted from
Judd Legum
Several of Elon Musk’s associates installed at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) — including two recent high school graduates — have received unprecedented access to federal human resources databases containing sensitive personal information for millions of federal employees.
Several of Elon Musk’s associates installed at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) — including two recent high school graduates — have received unprecedented access to federal human resources databases containing sensitive personal information for millions of federal employees.
French Hill, R-Chairman - (202) 225-2506
Maxine Waters, D-ranking - (202) 225-2201
Financial Services – Senate
Ron Wyden, D – ranking - (202) 224-5244
Mike Crapo –R, Chairman - (202) 224-6142
Scott Bessent – Secretary of the Treasury - (202) 622-2000
None of them are juveniles?
Any state have the balls to arrest him?
Anyone else have an idea?
Their information should be shared as well
Why are these dorks not being arrested? Who has the authority to arrest them? I want to yell at them. Someone please direct me to the manager so I can go Karen on their asses myself.