Hell opened its gaping maw and there it was. In one room. Converging to identify more victims. For more destruction. Howling for vengeance. Demanding retribution for their vacant souls.
Fred, I am glad you are back over here. I saw the mean, hateful things being said. Protect your heart, and you and Jaime are safe here. ❤️ so much ugliness.
I watch because I believe in keeping friends close and enemies closer. I want to hear with my own ears and not someone else's point of view. And yes, I hate Trump and what he's done more than anyone I've ever hated, including my mother who trafficked me.
That’s what I notice too. I’m ashamed of humans. It’s so easy to make millions of people believe nonsense if they can blame it on someone: Jews, transgenders, evil immigrants- the people follow him because of this. And yet so many of us see through it. What’s up with humans?
Watching the people's state of the union by 50501
Hate for the non-wealthy.
So much winning!!
Yes it’s hate talk.
I hate them!
Hell opened its gaping maw and there it was. In one room. Converging to identify more victims. For more destruction. Howling for vengeance. Demanding retribution for their vacant souls.
I'm sorry you're having to live through it.
I'm sorry for the dark times ahead.
How typically Canadian of me.
Was it any good?
It’s bad enough we get the fire hose of lies on a daily basis.
anything but they give me hate I will give it back and then some !!!!
Steve Schmidt