Ubuntu user here. LibreOffice works okay in its own ecosystem but can bork up formatting going to/from Word if you're doing anything remotely layout like. And don't get me started on LO Express. It's less painful than Office 365 though, which plain doesn't work with my disability aid.
The thing I haven't found a solution for is presentations. I mostly write them in Quarto and compile to HTML and PowerPoint. The PP converter is way more picky than actual PP about template formats, and one conf wanted a PDF and I could not get it to compile to that even though I do docs that way.
And the PowerPoint version wouldn't convert. I spent two hours at the back of a conference hall frantically installing a different TeX compiler as suggested, only to find that didn't work either. Eventually they let me present from my laptop.
Word does Track Changes better than anything else, so you may have trouble walking away entirely. I mostly use LibreOffice; it can read files all the way back to the original MacWrite.
I don't have to use word all that often these days, and for some reason AI shite in other of their office products is less annoying, but I am noticing that being on firefox is a weight lifted as far as AI faff. Feel like there should be some lists somewhere with lists of "luddite" app options.
I don't miss them at all.