When a company with Tesla's record is allowed to build a factory on top the aquifer for an entire region (including Berlin) an act like this is nothing more than basic self-defense.
What has really radicalized me following Tesla is not just the company's behavior but the utter callousness with which politicians and regulators ignore, excuse, or even celebrate it. If the people you elect to protect you from the most rapacious bad actors simply won't, you have to protect yourself
I don't typically gravitate towards radical solutions, in politics or much else. I tend to think your politics are what you do more than what you say, which makes most people less radical than the rhetoric they flatter themselves with. If Tesla has radicalized me this much, something is badly off.
You can be post-hope but still have faith, faith in the possibility there’s a shot at change still. This keeps from darker path solutions (and is in fact accurate, which is most important.)
If you think Tesla is bad, wait until you hear about capitalism.