What kind of parent screws around with the lives of their precious children?
People’s health evolves with the application of science & discoveries.
Clearly, MAGA is not evolving into their better selves.
They are in reverse.
Thoughts & prayers. They won’t help, but maybe this disaster and your stupidity might help some others realize how stupid they were being and endangering their children’s lives
There's a saying about anti-vaxxers: "The more, the less." Hardly a cause for schadenfreude. As they slowly kill themselves off they're spreading a preventable disease to others. In other words anti-vaxxers are homicidal criminals. Harsh but true.
Guess what Texas if you get the vaccine when you’re supposed to based on science and medicine you wouldn’t be rushing to get it when the eradicated disease resurfaces because of your dumbass behavior. How is this not child abuse?
I feel so sorry for the children getting measles because their parents don’t believe in science…and history. Let’s hope these parents start seeking out truth
This is terrible! 😭 Now we have 13 or 14 states that have Measles cases. Prayers for all. 🙏🏼💔😭
If received our measles vax 58? - 80's we may need a booster.
I feel comfortable with my test. Plus I am immunocompromised for
a psoriasis drug and the measles booster is a live vax. I could have it. But this was easier
Blood draw to test how effective past vaccines still are in your system. Just had mine done last week; tomorrow I go in for FOUR re-jabs of vaccinations that wore out.
I'm sure they have a lot of covid vaccines expired, but if you mix it with Crisco an orange crush and slather it all over, it'll probably cure the measles
People’s health evolves with the application of science & discoveries.
Clearly, MAGA is not evolving into their better selves.
They are in reverse.
Or will they just blame someone else? Biden? Hillary? The Libs?🤷
Anything else?
If every fuck who chose not to vaccinate their kids gets measles themselves and dies, the world will be a better place
Kids … I am so sorry for you
You all VOTED for this!!🥰🥰
May you all feel the TEETH 🦷 of Exodus 11:5 in your families tRumpioid MAGAs!!
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That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
I hope it is worth it to them.
You want to talk GAZA?
If received our measles vax 58? - 80's we may need a booster.
I agree. 🙏
a psoriasis drug and the measles booster is a live vax. I could have it. But this was easier
My arms are pin cushions! But worth it.
Also? Just last week, I celebrated 5 years of public masking. Since Mar. 2020, no cold, no flu, no illness. Masks ROCK. 😷
My last tetanus shot was back in…well, we had just landed on the moon…the first time…so it’s been a minute! 😅