Note that they examine things carefully first, then prod it slightly to test it ... then, BOOM! But that, too, is a form of test. Usage or play ensues. The cat who raised me as her kitten taught me that. Later, the process was called "iterative testing" for software. Part of RAD.
Also, knocking something off the end of a table is strangely therapeutic, especially if you do it a bit at a time as someone is watching you and telling you not to do it. 🤔
We have two dogs and two cats. They both follow you around the house but the cats are relentless. In the bathroom? Cat at the door. In the garage? Cat. Gone outside? Cat crying an alarm. Coming home? Both cats and dogs all over the place.
Like, “why y’all muh fukers even here” right!?
Works wonders.
You know, just in case it's edible.
Whack. Liar.
Think the cats have got it right!