If democracy survives, we’ll look at what Elon is doing now the same way we now view the aftermath of 9/11 or January 6th itself—unforgivable attacks on our democracy that, in retrospect, everyone should have seen coming.
Reposted from
What Elon really wants to eliminate is your ability to rule yourself
The devil's greatest trick is getting anyone to believe that Elon Musk—a man who has sucked fortune from the taxpayers’ teat—gives a shit about budgets.
The devil's greatest trick is getting anyone to believe that Elon Musk—a man who has sucked fortune from the taxpayers’ teat—gives a shit about budgets.
Our Heroes in Vermont set a very high bar for the rest of us with their "quick response" protest, and their creativity... thank you Vermont for showing us how it's done
All over USA.
Talk to Republican voters.
Visit their districts, listen to them and their fears.
Is their concern about immigration, overshadowing their cost of living, violation of laws, corruption, education, jobs etc ?
Not everybody joined TrumpMusk cult !
Win them over ♡