Let’s not kid ourselves, their intent is not to save money on foreign aid. It’s to let poorer countries get ravaged by preventable epidemics and then block off their immigration demands by proclaiming a health emergency. I am convinced this is their endgame.
Corporate establishment dems will send Trump a strongly worded letter. Also the constitution is a worthless piece of paper. Always has been #elon #uspolitics
Imagine the horror poor parents in poor countries face, knowing the richest men in the richest nation in the world have sentenced their children to paralysis and death. Why can’t we agree that, at the very least, all children should be spared this completely preventable suffering?
This is a time for genuine hardcore patriotic Americans to stand up, exercise some Rights & Liberty to protect, to defend, to ensure the survival of our Republic, and the future of our children's freedom. This is not a time for politicians, politics, or political parties.
It's "make the richest on Earth solve the problem."
Christ-like America was
before all these bible-thumping
Christians took over.