I like the idea of him being the minority leader of the Feckless Party (him and his 9 cowards) and Chris Murphy being the shadow minority leader of the Senate Dems.
Yes, he should, even though I didn't care one way or the other on the spending bill. My biggest issue was that he didn't stick with the majority of the Democrats. It looks weak to voters.
BLOG: Schumer’s handling of the Spending Bill proves the top leadership of the Dems is not just completely out of touch with the people, but also totally unaware of what it takes to fight a fascist like Trump. WAKE UP!!
It would do more harm shutting down gov (& eventually courts) than it would to ‘basically legalize’ rumps actions and give em 6 months to freely ravish America.
(Sooooo, rich man=tax cuts, poor man=effoff!)
What Schumer doesn't seem to realize is that the Democratic party is in the early stages of reinventing itself in answer to the GOP having reinvented itself. We are on a path toward some radical upheaval in this country and we need to be on the right side of that...not hopelessly lost in the middle.
Yes!! 100% #FireChuck because @schumer.senate.gov is weak, ineffectual, incompetent or just a coward. Time for new, you g, energized resistance. No peace for Chuck until he is gone.
Yes, unequivocally he should step down. I'd prefer he retire altogether, but at a dead minimum he can no longer be allowed to lead the party in any fashion.
It’s too late. The Democratic Party is done and irrelevant now. The 1776 American system is history. One needs to start fresh with powerful collaborations that include @aoc.bsky.social and @adamkinzinger.bsky.social.
@schumer.senate.gov When you vote with Nazi's, You're a Nazi! Leaders are supposed to lead not bow to autocrats! #chuckchuck #removenazisupport #fuckchuck #usa #democracy #democrat #left #senatorchuckschumer
Yes, because this moment was the product of two months of capitulation with no effort to save USAID, prevent horrific cabinet appointments, or stand up for LGBTQ folks. They are useless.
Yes, new leadership is clearly required. We need a "motion for no confidence" in the Democratic Senate membership similar to what takes place in the British Parliament.
He should resign, we need an aggressive opposition that can effectively find ways to block trump at every turn. The majority of democrats don’t want compromise with the new confederates traitors( aka Nazi-MAGA republicans)
Yes, of course Chuck should resign. He isn't a leader but an opportunist; he's ethically compromised & has received $$$$$ from AIPAC; he has consistently backed corporations & big money at the expense of a base of supporters he betrays at every opportunity. He's only in it for the money.
.Schumer is a traitor!
The fact that he sabotaged t the majority without debate/discussion or prior announcement leads me to believe ha made a deal with tRump. tRump's N'yahu support faction called in a favor and Schumers reversal was the result.
I have a suspicion that Schumer KNEW what the backlash would be and is well aware of his lack of leadership (for decades). He knows he certainly lacks the skills to lead the opposition now. SO, he found the easy way out. He voted with the GOP and now will be forced to sit down.
He and anyone else not screaming at the fascists are collaborators and complicit with the regime!
The people need to stand now, raise our fists and our guns and demand a fair country for all!
Does a bear shit in the woods?
Is the sky blue?
Some people say, “yes.” Film at 11.
(Sooooo, rich man=tax cuts, poor man=effoff!)
We need leadership and vision in this dark time. We need people to recognize where the country is, where it is headed, and stand up.
Schumer's actions and words betray him as a vestige of a bygone era. Someone who lacks the perspective, will, and courage to provide true leadership.
- Hakeem Jeffries
The fact that he sabotaged t the majority without debate/discussion or prior announcement leads me to believe ha made a deal with tRump. tRump's N'yahu support faction called in a favor and Schumers reversal was the result.
He and his cohorts cannot be trusted ever again
Schumer, Durbin & Gellibrand should all be replaced