It is so nuanced. My "teal" is Deb Leonard who has decent credentials, but there are Liberals in disguise in some seats and it wouldn't surprise me for a second if a QLD "teal" is a One Nation reject.
Google the fuck out of all candidates and be careful. That's all I can think of.
Even if you never actively support a right wing teal, if you live somewhere t the only serious contenders are
A. conservative/hard right + pro fossil fuel, ie LNP, or
B. small L + pro-climate action, ie Teal, then at least preferencing the Teal undermines Rinehart + the fossil miners + Dutton etc
But her big issue was the environment. Now she wants to work with Dutton to destroy it. What is the difference between Spender and Dave Sharma? Not much that I can see.
People have to remember that Holmes a Court started as a Liberal being friends with Freudenberg. He is investing in candidates that will make it easier for him to profit from green energy projects that his Teals approve.
Not really surprised by her 'willingness to work with' due to her being Liberal 'royalty' - dad was a Liberal pollie as was her grandfather - but I can't see how small L liberals can work with a right wing coalition. Make it make sense!
That's not actually what she said. The shape of the cross-bench would primarily determine who she works with, not who has the most seats. Basically, the direction the country wants to go in will determine and be determined by what the parliament looks like as a whole.
It makes me so angry to see here that people will put labor 2nd last! Like that’s going to get us a right wing gov, and then where will we be? I’ll be on the Indue card, paying to see my gp! Free tafe course: under Dutton I won’t be able to afford it.
Your vote won't get as far Labor if it pushes a Teal who will throw their lot in with Spud over the line first. We are at dire risk of falling prey to the same stupidity that saw Trump elected not by the number of people who voted for him but by the number of people who failed to vote against him.
Just like everyone else, their first priority is to retain their seats. Allegra Spender makes a point in her materials that she will vote in *Wentworth’s” interests…not those of the nation as a whole.
Now add another half dozen independents who’ve each made the same promise to their electorates … 🤦♂️
I’m a constituent of Allegra Spender and I honestly respect her a lot. She’s done some really interesting work on tax policy that implicitly draws the link bw our tax system and intergenerational inequality…but she can’t actually propose the policy it suggests, bc she’d lose.
The "voices" movement is about local grass roots that feel unrepresented by the major parties. They pick their own candidates to represent their interests. So of course they will represent local interests, but more importantly they will represent the principles determined by their local voices group
Ok, but you have to stop and think about *why* that’s happening, which is mostly reflection of the fact that the electorate is less homogenous than it used to be and whereas it used to be divided along class lines (which enabled the major parties to align themselves accordingly), there’s now an …
education split as well, which cuts across the old party lines. That makes it much harder for the parties to perform their historic role of putting together a platform that a majority of voters are happy with. Your “feeling unrepresented” simply reflects that there aren’t enough people in the …
All successful candidates are there to represent the people of their electorate. That is the way that our democracy is framed. Allegra Spender will vote, not on party lines, but according to the views of her electorate. In the main this will be for the good of the whole nation. Parties don't do that
Have you ever stopped to think about why all democracies end up with a party system and almost all of them - including all of the most successful ones - operate as (basically) two party systems?
When an independent says they will vote for their local over national interests it shows the political, intellectual and moral bankruptcy of their candidacy.
I can understand Spender’s approach in declaring that she is prepared to work for either major party. She is smart in avoiding the inevitable backlash from Murdoch if she was to declare that her electorate was more aligned with Labor agenda.
Traitor. Any "Independent" who would work with Dutton should piss off and join the LNP instead.
So sick of these people who have no strength of character and don't live by the values they say they hold dear. 🤬🤬🤬
I saw three interviews with "independent" Allegra Spender and she said if it was a hung parliament she would listen to both leaders and support Dutton. So that's not listening to both or being independent to me
Not one that votes against same work same pay. Only reason she isn’t a liberal is because they hate women but she will work with them.
Not an independent just a lib in disguise
I have just been redistributed out of Sydney into Wentworth. Only point of voting for Spender (dau of John, granddau of Percy) is to keep out an *endorsed* Lib.
I am so sick to death of chodes banging on about ‘the big parties are the same’ so vote for someone who has no platform, no principles and no basic moral character
If Independents/Teals want your vote they have to preference #LNPLast otherwise you may as well vote Lib #auspol #ausvotes2025 It’s climate stupid. #climatechange
Independents typically don’t preference anyone.
They usually leave the other squares on the how to vote card blank & the voter makes up their own mind who to preference.
Some examples:
Google the fuck out of all candidates and be careful. That's all I can think of.
A. conservative/hard right + pro fossil fuel, ie LNP, or
B. small L + pro-climate action, ie Teal, then at least preferencing the Teal undermines Rinehart + the fossil miners + Dutton etc
Why not ask her
Otherwise Dutton will win
Thankfully Spud is mouthing off about who might support him - avoid those!
Now add another half dozen independents who’ve each made the same promise to their electorates … 🤦♂️
I’m a constituent of Allegra Spender and I honestly respect her a lot. She’s done some really interesting work on tax policy that implicitly draws the link bw our tax system and intergenerational inequality…but she can’t actually propose the policy it suggests, bc she’d lose.
So sick of these people who have no strength of character and don't live by the values they say they hold dear. 🤬🤬🤬
Not an independent just a lib in disguise
Solution run as an "Independent"
They usually leave the other squares on the how to vote card blank & the voter makes up their own mind who to preference.
Some examples:
Australians proving stupid is not exclusively an American thang.
Teals will just dilute the voter pool and possibly cause a hung parliament