His friends called you an asshole for rejecting him. I hope you didnt believe that. Because the alternative is that people are forced to dance/date/whatever with someone they dont want to. Nobody has a social obligation to dance with anyone. His friends are the socially out of touch ones, not you.
I spoke to a friend about this and they think it's because his friends hyped him up and assumed I'd say "yes". But what they didn't anticipate was that I'd not catch on that he was confessing to me, and say "no". Which, in turn, caused them to call me an asshole haha
This is so real when I was in hs I went on a few dates (movie, getting food, etc) w a guy I knew and didn’t realize they were dates until I was like 22…. we were in a mutual friend group so I thought he just wanted to hang solo as friends 😭
Lol, the boyfriend of 4 years still has to tell me when he's flirting. He also spent several weeks trying before just telling me before we got together.
Tis the truth! My primary masking since like 10 has been social butterfly esq(tiny grade sizes) and people have been like....and you didn't date in high school? NO, no one ASKED ME except 1 dude who i knew it wouldn't go well with. Patience and self solidarity.
If they can't get over/past the not understanding flirting, they won't last long in depth either! Doesn't exactly absolve the deep seated desire for connection though
this comic has me questioning a lot of past interactions i’ve had with people, because what?? if someone asks if i have plans, and i do, would it not be the right thing to tell them?? 😭 i don’t understand flirting
sorry if I misunderstood what u mean but to clarify this is about me not understanding social cues / not understanding when someone is flirting, so I act like it's a normal conversation and then move on with my day lol. Basically I have no idea they are flirting with me despite the obvious hinting
I feel as though directly answering a flirty question like "are you busy tonight ~ ?" with a legitimate answer isn't exactly the way you're supposed to respond to a flirt haha, but I could be wrong. I'm not good with flirting. I just assume it's a lot of back and forth flirting for both sides
i understand and totally agree, i can relate. i miss cues like that a lot too so it tends to just confuse me, and i’ll also just assume it’s a normal conversation lol. i really like the art and the way you portrayed it :)
...I thought he was just being nice until I got a peepee pic when I got home 😭 did NOT reply to him lol
Them: you have my heart 💕
Me: ? Where? No I don't? Did u lose it? Did u drop it somewhere? Is it in my pocket?
So I usually catch on quick cuz I need time to plan my escape