Just saw a take floating around about how we must be extra-special careful of young men's fee-fees lest they jump into the arms of the right-wing manosphere after progressive scolding.
You must realize they go to Tate, Jones, Rogan not for soothing but for for *permission to act like assholes*.
You must realize they go to Tate, Jones, Rogan not for soothing but for for *permission to act like assholes*.
I respect my friends enough to not hold back on these things.
You do realize that, don't you?
Fuck them tiny dick little bitches, or rather, don't.
Then again, that might damage the bottom line for $ilicon Valley.
I don’t have much but I paid for it with scars both mental and physical and mostly from toxic men. They want a dad figure but don’t like this dad.
Yet women are told to “man up”, “stop being hysterical” and to deal with it, when their feelings are stamped on, thrown to the ground and set on fire.
Now older and wiser, I say fuck all of them and THEIR feelings TOO. Actions count, their fee fees don't.