Everyone talks about his ketamine cuz of the novelty, but to keep up this pace of posting and terrible ideas I'm pretty sure it's mainly just plain old coke.
FWIW I take prescribed Adderall every day and my sleep cycle is more regulated by it, not less. No superhuman not-sleeping abilities noted. No meglomaniacal delusions.
I also have ADHD, so I know how it is. But like coke will still fuck you up. Some of Elon's associates have talked publicly about doing cocaine with him. And he's also taking downers like ketamine so might not be getting much good sleep and swinging wildly between two extremes.
FWIW I take prescribed Adderall every day and my sleep cycle is more regulated by it, not less. No superhuman not-sleeping abilities noted. No meglomaniacal delusions.
But the experience of someone WITHOUT the adhd paradoxical reaction is gonna be real different