Personality testing isn’t super reliable, but it helps some people understand how others think and perceive things. Some people don’t even test into one category consistently. It’s better to get to know individuals than grouping them anyway since everyone is different.
I can't even remember the 12 horoscopes, don't expect me to remember the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator🤣
(The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is also abbreviated as MBTI...futhering the confusion)
They're malleable with life experience. Several years ago I erased & retook the test from my old high school homework, and found while I was still about as Introvert as it's possible to get, all the other axis had changed. Probably because I wasn't a closeted burnt out high school student anymore.
On a vacuum it's kinda harmless (main risk is the pseudoscience pipeline) sure
It's just that as a non binary person I'm definitely more annoyed by the "your mind is a certain way according to an arbitrary criteria" type of beliefs lol
A relative who is kinda into astrology genuinely said to me "it's not that surprising you don't believe in astrology, sagittarius tend to be skeptical" 🙃
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm convinced Astrology and these other psuedo-bs are all made to destroy individuality through self-fulfilling prophecies and stereotypes.
INFP here (apparently). The theory they’re based off is pseudoscience for the most part, but in fairness some of it tracks pretty well with my personality. So who knows 🤔.
That's due to the barnum effect, because most of the claims it uses are generic statements which apply to a general group, making it seem more accurate
I can't even remember mine beyond it started with IN. 😅
Though I do recall this test being made by 2 random people and it somehow took off so that's probably why it sounded so made up on the spot.
Yeaaaaah i did the test once, told my friend the result, rhey talked about what it meant and how cool it was for like an hour, and now I remember none of it, not even the result 😆
Yep, they all sound like nonsense! Even when I took the time to look up the meanings, it didn’t tell me anything useful about the person, so I just ignore these now.
They are gibberish.
Meyers-Briggs was made up in an afternoon by a person with zero cognitive science background or experience, and it's been embraced by quacks and grifters ever since.
It's got no more scientific basis than IQ, which is to say, none.
MBTI was developed during World War II by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, inspired by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung's 1921 book Psychological Types. Not saying it’s perfectly accurate though.
oh, it worse than usual tests huh. unfortunate. lol. I dont put much weight in these kinds of tests so it doesn't affect me much, but its unfortunate its like that tho haha.
They are just modern day star signs, but slightly more accurate as it isn't just asking your birthday to figure it out. But it's still boiling a complex thing down into, "You are one of x things, what one are you?"
May as well ask someone what Ninja Turtle they are.
Personality tests are pretty whatever. Yeah you can categorize people from how they answer specific questions, do those categories mean anything? Not really, they're not based on anything, there's no real science behind Meyers Briggs tests.
Yeah, they shouldn't be taken too seriously, even though i dont believe in astrology dictating your personality, i find it fun to analyze, and fun thing about these things, is that they change with time, and our developement and experiences :D
Like, I get that it's an acronym, and each letter can be 4 different options... but in the end, it means absolutely nothing unless you know everything about each thing... And ultimately, it's all just as fake as zodiac signs and other such things.
THANK YOU!! Glad I’m not the only one. I’ve taken a test a couple of times and I still can’t remember my results or what all these mean, so now I see it and just disregard it for something silly lol
Wasn’t the big 5 a more accurate way to describe personalities? Either way i think people are too complex to be picked out like that and put in separate containers.
It's vaguely accurate, like an intp and esfj are very different and I fit a lot of what it says about intp. But ultimately it doesn't say that much about a person other than maybe how they MIGHT react similarly in SOME situations
Ultimately it's not something to take super seriously except for fun🤷♀️
Categorization never made sense to me, whether Star Signs or Meyer's Brigs, even if it does scratch my brain to hear it sometimes, aka relating hard to this because I also do not understand what the differences are most of the time
(The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is also abbreviated as MBTI...futhering the confusion)
It's just that as a non binary person I'm definitely more annoyed by the "your mind is a certain way according to an arbitrary criteria" type of beliefs lol
They truly sound like they’re being made up on the spot, like astrology except even harder to follow along with…
Though I do recall this test being made by 2 random people and it somehow took off so that's probably why it sounded so made up on the spot.
Not to mention how each option's letters sound about the same
Meyers-Briggs was made up in an afternoon by a person with zero cognitive science background or experience, and it's been embraced by quacks and grifters ever since.
It's got no more scientific basis than IQ, which is to say, none.
May as well ask someone what Ninja Turtle they are.
speaking of which, what's your Rust type? tag yourself, i'm `Fn() -> Option
(I don't know what those mean, and even if I did, people often have personalized interpretations)
(Smiles, nods, gives a thumbs up) Cool!
Ultimately it's not something to take super seriously except for fun🤷♀️
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