No one should be described as degenerate unless the addition of mass causes their neutrons to slip into higher quantum states resulting in a runaway reduction in volume and ultimate collapse into a singularity of infinite density
As someone who knows high school physics and anything that caught my fancy that one time: uh, I think so? "Singularity of infinite density" sure sounds like it. But... a quick glance at seems like it's about... super-dense things in general, including neutron stars.
I'll die on the hill of "everybody is kinky. everybody is a perv. it's just that some kinks are normie-coded and some aren't. some people are interested in their kinks and some people are indifferent; the former are not degenerates, they're people with a hobby".
I had such a Xie(ld,t) day pointing that out and ohboys so🐝swarmed me. Then I called kissing an offshoot of Freudian babyfeeding kink and some valfuries and harpeers descended on my carrion. Good think I'm already queentum(bed)⚰️⚛️
Exactly! Huge numbers of people out there that loved 50 Shades despite not having an active or conscious identification with the kinks portrayed. They're just as kinky as any M/s couple out there, but they're not _identified_ with the kink.
im constantly just
so disappointed that people who would otherwise probably be cool seemingly cannot help themselves from absorbing and using every piece of right wing and nazi language or iconography they come across
PSA - Being asexual and/or aromantic is also ok and not inherently suspicious or evil. Literally the current situation is "control exactly what sex when" and not anti-sex (see gross white baby shortage discourse)
It bugs me to no end that it felt like people were coming round to the idea that jerking off is fine, only to go right back to square one because someone starting calling it "gooning".
hmm. how else can we insult mathematical objects...
degenerate cases are simple and weird
just to be maximally ambiguous
finding that a matrix is non-invertable: PANIC
so disappointed that people who would otherwise probably be cool seemingly cannot help themselves from absorbing and using every piece of right wing and nazi language or iconography they come across