Say "Stitch returns." "Stitch is back." "Stitch like you've never seen him before." He has been here. I remember when Stitch was busting in on Beauty and the Beast, acting a fool. "Meet Stitch." Get the fuck out of here.
I never really cared for Stitch Has A Glitch, even when it was new. It's a very redundant story that was never brought up before and after. As for the Stitch anime? It was fine. Not really great or memorable...
In the movie they convince everyone he is a blue dog, I'll give it to you in a world of blue's clues and Cliffords but this new cgi stitch could not make it into any neighborhood in America without being shot. That's why they have to reintroduce him
The original was a delightful piece of original storytelling that gave Disney's 2D animation department a surprise lease on life. This film, like all these live-action remakes, has no apparent reason to exist beyond "Disney wants you to buy tickets for an uncanny clone of a film you already saw."