Not a particular technology, but currently enjoying applying my backend & cloud knowledge to industrial and energy sectors.
I don't think people understand how powerful their knowledge can be, and how broad the spectrum of domains these skills can be applied to.
Arduino kit from my daughter’s class measuring heart rate. The class was given a slow Java app to read off data over serial port. Reimplementing it made it much faster and more user friendly. This with Scipy for analyzing data is my new fun project.
I feel like we're seeing an explosion of specialized data stores with great ergonomics. I'm looking forward to seeing how these products evolve and get adopted.
Probably the recent push in the Rails world to develop using SQLite as a database and deploy using Kamal. It really lowers the bar when it comes to developing smaller scale projects. Plus I am really amazed by SQLite and how versatile it is.
- I'm cautiously excited about per-user (or per-namespace) sqlite databases. Yet to see a success story besides native apps.
- Also cautiously excited about local first apps and things like replicache / zero.
I don't think people understand how powerful their knowledge can be, and how broad the spectrum of domains these skills can be applied to.
- I'm cautiously excited about per-user (or per-namespace) sqlite databases. Yet to see a success story besides native apps.
- Also cautiously excited about local first apps and things like replicache / zero.