Billionaires are going to conquer the universe, build the Death Star, the Earth will live the Golden Age and will be the great galactic power.
Wait... are they smart guys or ridiculous comic book bad guys?
Congress has no right to touch Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Those three programs belong to the people of this country who pay into the programs. Let the President and Congress eat cake.
We are here paying taxes to billionaires so that around the world so they may form spheres of influence with oligarchs through back channels that we don’t even know about. We have no idea what the monied interests are up to.
“If 1,000 men were not to pay their taxes that would not be a bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience
The big white splotch in the center of your picture are millionaire Democrats and their big fat self-profits hidden in USAID with their family members on the Board of Directors raking in millions.
sorry , as small as a billion other things might be regarding what humans do and think .. THIS is a biggy , this will kill many many innocent people .. just the cutting of USAID is killing many . Some things can be mocked as trivial human idiocies .. but NOT THIS.
For 1.5 percent of the Budget, America receives many needed services and the good that comes from those service helps many Americans in their daily lives and helps save lives. What good is coming out of giving Billionaires Trillions of dollars in tax cuts?
ELECTION DISCREPANCIES: UNVEILING THE TRUTH, NATHAN TAYLOR, FROM ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE. Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying elections
Though seriously it gives me a bit of peace knowing that our existence up to this point is only a fraction of the length of the Dinosaurs. We're not the main characters of the universe and I like that. I like being a bit inconsequential at times.
And yall are in there listening to Magats pretending to be cis because mommy wont live you. Suck it up, grow a pair of tits and burn down the whitehouse.
:$.. Just a ghost drifting through infinite space, finally free from the galaxy's most notorious crew of injustice-lovers and their greedy taxes. Now I'm just a spectral presence, invisible and unbothered, floating wherever the cosmos takes me.
I hate these kinds of posts because they show that there’s a problem and gives no solution… like yeah suddenly im just not gonna pay taxes let’s see how long I’ll live before I end up in court 🙄
Watch this Video and Repost this on every platform. Every American should be there for our country. Be an Al Green! SHOW UP!! America needs you!! If you have to, sleep in your car or camp out. Carpool. Get there!!
It started with a demand 4 inclusion, participation & input into the laws & taxing policy, which King George III said no way. Now we have taxes only 4 law enforcement & the military, & no other services or protections with the richest 1% paying nothing & even getting refunds. This is unfair
King George III was just a figurehead, as is King Charles III. The last true monarch was King Charles II. The Glorious Revolution kneecapped the monarchy. The American colonies' beef was with the British government, not King George III. Your entire history is based on a lie.
Well after all King George III wrote in his diary on July 4, 1776, "Nothing of importance happened today."Well there was no mass communication back then. I guess the"Magna Carta"did a lot more2"kneecap"the Monarchy then I realized.But Kings still have a"Divine Right."I will have to read more history
It kind of depends on what they meant. Historically, having taxes above 30% was viewed as tyrannical so taxes of 50% is pretty much unheard of in history. So, they could just be against having tax this high in the first place.
They don't have them now. Probably because that was a very bad idea. I mean, what is even the purpose of working if you only get 10% off of what you earn. It had also encouraged people to find ways to evade taxes.
Trump wants to abolish the IRS. So how is the government supposed to pay for law enforcement, the military and border control? If those are the only legitimate, Constitutional functions of the government, how will we pay for it? Tariffs? How will he punish his enemies?
Trump likes to act on impulse and shoot from the hip. It is always "Heads I win, Tails you lose." It is "Me, Myself & I First!' Never "America First!" He never makes a mistake, never breaks the law.
He wants complete chaos so he can declare martial law and have the military take over to put the country directly under his rule. Part of the hitler playbook that he is 💯 reenacting right now. Look at the Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act. Good times!
Every time I see this picture, the sun's supposed position has changed. This billionaire taxation shit has unmoored us from galactic reality and we are now predicted to collide with galaxy Dung 47 in 5, 4, 3, ....
Yup! There needs to be a working class revolution. We are being tricked to fighting about right vs left when we all need to band together and fight bottom vs top. We need to refuse to pay any federal or state taxes, demand tax reform and protest in the streets until this happens.
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great.
How come a felon can get away with everything in the book, yet I’m still forced to pay him directly and if I skip out on it, then I get arrested?? Make it make sense!
Billionaires don't pay taxes anymore then foreign companies pay tariffs. IT is 100% passed on to their customers. That mean the poor and the middle class pay all of it.
All of the money saved by firing people, ruining their lives creating family havoc, will go to rich bastards who don't pay their fair of taxes share now.
Paying taxes to billionaires in multiple ways. First they thieve 90% of the labor value you generate from them. Second they avoid paying their taxes, which increases that burden on he rest of us. Third most taxes and fees are flat taxes, not proportionate to income. Then they cut social spending...
The Constitution demands removal of the entire administration, and their co-conspirators as outlined in USC title18 part 1 chapter 115 section 2384, 2381 and Article 3 Section 3 Clause 1 of the constitution, and reinforced by Burr v US, Haupt v US, and Cramer v US.
Your taxes (and cuts to services) are going towards tax cuts to billionaires. You could make it more efficient by sending your money straight to the billionaires (and corporations).
8 million a day= 56 million EVERY WEEK to Musk with taxpayer money. That comes to two billion nine hundred twelve million yearly for a product that taxpayers funded.
They're cutting social services to fund tax cuts to the rich. Why not just cut out the middle man and send your money to rich people? That'd be more efficient.
It is true they are purposely destroying the world and we’re paying them to do it it’s the stupidity of a few billionaires leaned against the lesser stupidity of everyone else
Good question Quinn. Find a community, like Individisble and Medicare for All. Talk to people. Protest and call your representatives. We need to remind those in Washington, peacefully but loudly, that they work for US. Sending you hugs. Justice will prevail. The American people ARE waking up.
Remember before Republicans started to cut taxes for the RICH.
The Budget was balanced, everything was working.
Rich snobs wanted to hide more money and leave it for their children. So they started to Cut Taxes tanking everything.
So tell Republicans it your DEBT, own it like those tax cuts.
No, I’m there creating music and loving my friends. Paying billionaires is the bullshit price I pay for my spot on this beautiful planet.
(Still hate those fuckers. Lol)
🎵 If you drive a car, I'll tax the street
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet
Wait... are they smart guys or ridiculous comic book bad guys?
― Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience
No one knows what it looks like
We are a mere speck on a speck in this vast universe…✅
Though seriously it gives me a bit of peace knowing that our existence up to this point is only a fraction of the length of the Dinosaurs. We're not the main characters of the universe and I like that. I like being a bit inconsequential at times.
You can inform all your friends: You read it on BlueSky! ;)
They can’t afford taxes.
I leave for the mighty Andromeda in the morning.
Um. They didn’t earn that money either. If the ppl who performed the labor made that money, we’d be collected 30% of it, instead of 1%.
You go first.
Neon lights replace the sky.
Greed and power,
cold as stone,
Turned the world
to steel and drone.
Warnings came,
but none would hear,
Blinded by their selfish fear.
Dystopia’s not
some distant lore…
We built the cage,
then sealed the door.
The Budget was balanced, everything was working.
Rich snobs wanted to hide more money and leave it for their children. So they started to Cut Taxes tanking everything.
So tell Republicans it your DEBT, own it like those tax cuts.
The richest man in the UK has £37.2 billion
(Still hate those fuckers. Lol)
― Lucy Parsons, 1878-1937
If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat
If you get too cold I'll tax the heat
If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet