Wouldn't it be ironic if the results of Trump's betrayal of his base produces a renewed grassroots movement where Democrats, Republicans, and Independents join forces to forge a people-powered future that benefits average Americans? Smart politicians should start preparing now to lead that movement.
Third party coalition. Moderates need to regain power. Would take 20 minutes to come up with a platform…
High school
congress; salary must be approved by their districts before it is increased; do away with Congressional pensions. Make it more difficult to be a career politician
Number of representatives in the House
Ethics violations
Money out of politics once and for all
FiNC's creating some incredible new approaches to cut through partisan distractions to focus on real solutions that put people first. Change starts here: https://futureis.org/
Guns, god and abortion
The only way that will change is if they see they’re not going to or get what specific thing they’re after
Trumps transactional and he’s agreed to MAGA and Tech $$
Sorry I will see myself out.
The Chinese would do a Yamamoto sized fuck around if they did decide to pre-empt and attack on US forces in Japan, Guam.. most likely Japan. Attacking Guam would be the 21st century Pearl Harbor
Anything that does that would, linguistically, easily fall under peopeles’ desciptiknf of what “‘mama America great again” means. Weird.
If it happens, it will be leftists and centrists.
I'm really afraid that people won't pull their heads out of the sand until they literally can't feed themselves.