You forgot Democrats for Trump. Voting for him because you're angry at Biden and Harris didn't work. Trump cheated, so he would have won no matter what, but it shows how little Democracy means to them.
I’m an American, so thanks for your concern but you are WAY off base. Being nice to fascists isn’t helpful; it isn’t gonna change their minds. These people are violent and hateful to their cores. Holding hands in a circle only benefits THEM.
I am several of the targeted demographics. Ur off base.
and still they say they love him- just like the Germans said of Hitler after losing the war and killing millions!
It may make it harder for them to back away from the fascist right wing republicans
I do not see any good coming from racism or right wing politics
I will not baby people who were integral in the removal of rights for me and others.
I am concerned for the American citizens
Remember the riots during Trumps last administration
I do not want repeats
PROTESTS are needed
I am several of the targeted demographics. Ur off base.
You are right
I need to keep reminding myself that Ted Bundy was a republican
My dream for the USA is that she comes out of this tyranny more just and united