This quote and others similar to this always rub me the wrong way. I think it should just read “you are safe with a trans person in the bathroom” (period. Full stop. Alternatively, this would also work in a pinch “people, fuck off and mind your own business.”
The banality of evil. Good people doing nothing to stop evil. The American empire by this argument has no right to exist. Especially now if we want to live. American racism inspired the third reich So is anyone really surprised by bipartisan fascist collaboration Wake up
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
I’ve never noticed before but she has weird inhuman looking teeth. They don’t seem to be the right shape. Her incisors are shorter than all her other teeth and beer bottom teeth are strangely long.
Is she an alien wearing a humanoid suit?
She's the only person I've ever seen who has a massive overbite, and a massive underbite at the same time. You'd think with all that corruption money she'd at least get a good orthodontist.
Nah,. Neanderthals were considered intelligent for the time, had strong family ties and were most likely empathetic.
She's more like an offshoot from some throwback species that intermingled the toxic waste pools of villages with some cold blooded dinosaur that mimics humans.
Trump mentioned in his SOTU speech that several million were spent on trans rats. Will those rats be allowed to use the bathroom of their new gender and will they be allowed to play in rat sports?
I would love to see how many Trans people they know personally, because they are a minority of a minority. Whats the likelihood of having one in their bathroom, eh?
Science proves Jesus. Empirical scientific proof of Christ and scripture comes through the eucharistic miracles performed at Roman Catholic mass
As I said, you have no real knowledge on geography and socio-politics.
Pakistan is inciting the breakaway of Bengal to destabilise the Indian continent
The best exorcism is a good confession. Demons get access to us through our sins. Nothing feels better than a good confession. Find a good priest and confess your sins for proof of Christ
That's for sure, 'cause one never knows what weapon the cabinet maggot will use, ie: worms/ wrestling/ virus-infected slobbering while running away from a townhall/pet-shooter/laced 🍔 in the Oval/debris from Elonia's blown space crap... 🫤
This trans crap in bathrooms is why we have trump. If you were born a man you should not be able to go into a women's bathroom. I f you were born a man you should not be able to play women's sports. I'm sorry.
Severely incorrect.
Your blatant and assholish biggotry aside, the reason we have Trump is that he fucking cheated.
I'm tired of all the trans shit. If we didn't segregate between genders, trans wouldn't matter at all. We segregate the genders so men can be privileged over women and honestly if we'd just stop then none of this would matter. I don't know why we can't just have human beings instead of all these
different subpockets and labels that only exist so one group can feel dominant over the other groups. Why can't we all just be sneeches and not worry about who's got a star on their belly and who doesn't?
I agree 100%.
The only time the junk between your legs should matter is between you and your doctor or whatever sexual partner you choose. The rest is nobody's damn business!
It should not matter in how one is treated, hired, promoted, talked to, or voted for.
I used to find people who dressed to obscure their gender in deliberately androgynous styles annoying. I caught myself complaining to a friend "I don't know how to treat them". And it dawned on me -- I was treating People I Wanted To Fuck differently from everyone else, and why? I'm married, what
DIFFERENCE should it make? None. It's still a struggle because evolution has program does to constantly judge everyone we meet on whether or not they would make a good mate. But as sentient beings, we should not be in imprisoned by our evolutionary programming.
I'm a middle-aged straight white man, and I've always seen gender roles and the double standard expectations of the genders as absolutely fucking stupid.
I saw through that cultural garbage when I was a small child, and nobody is going to gaslight me into changing that.
Treat people as PEOPLE!
I think you are wrong. The American people voted (sad as it may be) for trump. Dems lost all 3 branches of government. The Democrats had a 20% approval rating. Also I am in no way a bigot just telling it like it is.
It's a good thing that math and statistics don't rely on what you THINK.
Do yourself a favor, and CLICK one of those hashtags and educate yourself.
Approval ratings have always been as fake as faux "news", and gerrymandering and voter suppression are at an all time high.
Wake the fuck up.
Especially since you obviously think, that the scum at Faux News, OANN, Xhitter, etc. wouldn't find any other thing to scream "ruin of civilization" about, eagerly gobbled up by their idiotic viewers. Speaking of Xhitter: You'll find a lot of nice people there, sharing your opinion.
Obviously you are not listening to the people around you I hate trump and everything about him but the majority of Americans do not want to hear nonsense like drag queen read alongs with lil kids trans guys going into restrooms with their young daughters and any other woke insanity.✌️
Well, I can't speak to all of the people you mentioned, but if you're in the same restroom with JFK Jr, something has gone very wrong since he died in 1999.
I never said anything to imply I was even a little triggered by your typo. I made a subtle joke about it. Apparently too subtle since it flew right over your head. At least you can laugh at your own moronic rants though.
Funny thing is, #transphobes have almost certainly been in public #restrooms already and within hugging distance of a #trans person. The transphobe didn’t even know it.
It panders to the wrong argument by assuming the oppressors' base stance of "there's danger in sharing a bathroom with trans people." By say "MAGA is worse" we delve into the muckraking.
There is NOTHING wrong or dangerous about people using a bathroom.
I think if I was a man I would be offended that the Republican Party believes all men are predators and it is unsafe for women to be in a room with them
The Constitution demands removal of the entire administration, and their co-conspirators as outlined in USC title18 part 1 chapter 115 section 2384, 2381 and Article 3 Section 3 Clause 1 of the constitution, and reinforced by Burr v US, Haupt v US, and Cramer v US.
Agree 1000%. Those who fear trans people in the bathroom are forgetting one thing. Aggressive predatory men won't dress up and disguise themselves. They will just kick the door down.
Public bathrooms are not locked or some don't even have a door. Like are they going to put on a dress and makeup to assault someone, in public? They don't actually look up assaults by trans people in bathrooms or how many trans women are assaulted.
And we don’t spend many thousands of our own money on expensive and painful procedures to make ourselves a constant target for shitty people, physically weaker, essentially impotent then undergo gender confirmation surgery, to assault women in bathrooms. Anyone who thinks this is a fucking moron.
Every Trump voter should have their underage daughters spend 5 minutes unsupervised with him with recorded audio of his most disgusting statements made against women.
If not then he could garner their votes by acting on his belief that famous people meaning he can grab their privates unscathed.
I don't get the point of this quote. Yes, if a teenaged girl is in a bathroom and Matt Gaetz is also in there, then that's not a good idea for the girl.
Of the few times I’ve been aware there was a trans person in the bathroom with me, I could tell she was much more scared of me than I was of her. It made me sad.
Imagine entering your bathroom and you hear a mumbling from the toilet corner: “atta bakka rakka takka tikka chokka bokka, and from Africa right now, bongo longo rongo rungu…”
I was r@ped in a public restroom by a trans woman (man in a dress) when I was eight years old. I really hated every second of it and think of it as the low point of my life.
Trump himself was found to have SA'd someone in a department store changing room admitted to enjoying walking in unexpected on half naked beauty contest participants. So....
But several sexual misconduct allegations have been associated with individuals linked to the White House like Kathleen Willey, E. Jean Carroll, Rob Porter but the few list goes on.
A 2022 report from the UCLA Williams Institute estimated that around 1.6 million people in the U.S. identify as transgender, including about 300,000 youth aged 13-17. However, the number of transgender athletes competing at elite levels remains very small, with only a handful publicly known in
I'm not so sure about that: I'd rather and have a intelligent conversation with RFK's brainworm, than having Nancy Mae coming in and dying in the middle of a Faux News camera team from the nail she broke opening the binary bathroom door.
Can you imagine being married to any one of those 🤡s
287 posts talking to nobody that cares.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sad trolling faggot🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to be quiet about what was essentially rape.
The banality of evil. Good people doing nothing to stop evil. The American empire by this argument has no right to exist. Especially now if we want to live. American racism inspired the third reich So is anyone really surprised by bipartisan fascist collaboration Wake up
Is she an alien wearing a humanoid suit?
She's more like an offshoot from some throwback species that intermingled the toxic waste pools of villages with some cold blooded dinosaur that mimics humans.
Everything is reliate to them !!!
Their tax cuts are the most insulting thing for ordinary americans.
You have to be a enormous PIG to say you need a tax cuts when you are a fucking billionaire !!!
Those pigs need a major lesson = REVOLUTION NOW !!!
Using public bathrooms stresses the hell out of me these days, and I live in Australia. I can't imagine how it would be in the US or the UK.
Billy Meier and the Plejaren extraterrestrials Arlion, Bermunda and Quetzal
" ...But how lowly intelligent and simple-minded must a human being be who believes these lies and deceptions about an imaginary God,..."
Can you find it inside the bible?
Perhaps now, realise the TRUTHas 2hat i have wrote..
He fied in sri nagar.
Read this wikipedia news
Bengal (Khalistan) is situated on the west part of india, next to Pakistan.
Pakistan is inciting Bengal to break away from India.
you have less knowledge on geography and also socio-politics of the world.
Pakistan is inciting the breakaway of Bengal to destabilise the Indian continent
He never did not die a cross.
He actually fainted into a deep coma and recovered 3 days later.
He escaped from his burial cave. He went to Sri Nagar and died at 111 yrs.
Read this book
Thry all man created beliefs.
Gabriel is not an angels.
He is a extraterrestrialhuman from a different planet.
All in delusional beliefs.
It's OK
I let you to recover 1st.
Your blatant and assholish biggotry aside, the reason we have Trump is that he fucking cheated.
The only time the junk between your legs should matter is between you and your doctor or whatever sexual partner you choose. The rest is nobody's damn business!
It should not matter in how one is treated, hired, promoted, talked to, or voted for.
I saw through that cultural garbage when I was a small child, and nobody is going to gaslight me into changing that.
Treat people as PEOPLE!
Do yourself a favor, and CLICK one of those hashtags and educate yourself.
Approval ratings have always been as fake as faux "news", and gerrymandering and voter suppression are at an all time high.
Wake the fuck up.
You are acting on emotion, not logic.
Especially since you obviously think, that the scum at Faux News, OANN, Xhitter, etc. wouldn't find any other thing to scream "ruin of civilization" about, eagerly gobbled up by their idiotic viewers. Speaking of Xhitter: You'll find a lot of nice people there, sharing your opinion.
Woosh! I’m sure Kait-the-Petty Karen NEVER makes such errors.
Thank you, Karen-Kait! I will strive to be more like you!
So basically, transphobes be like…
It panders to the wrong argument by assuming the oppressors' base stance of "there's danger in sharing a bathroom with trans people." By say "MAGA is worse" we delve into the muckraking.
There is NOTHING wrong or dangerous about people using a bathroom.
"I'm not a pervert in just making sure you're not man"
If not then he could garner their votes by acting on his belief that famous people meaning he can grab their privates unscathed.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
1) A random member of the transgender community
2) A random member of Trumb’s cabinet
How many right wingers can honestly say that they’d choose #2? And if they would I would understand if their daughters disowned them. 😑
"You're safer in a bathroom with a trans person than anyone else."
Fighting fascism is not a spectator sport.