Lutnick on Tariffs will bring manufacturing jobs back to the US.
CNBC: But wages here are higher. How will firms stay competitive?
Lutnick: Because robots.
CNBC: But wages here are higher. How will firms stay competitive?
Lutnick: Because robots.
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Patrick so the robots are going to take over but we are going to have a huge boom in jobs? ok Howard. Whatever you say.
Millions of jobs to fix those robots
Invest in the robots that will inevitably be “employed” to fix those robots
Likely +/-30 months.
-Despite robots, will need to human beings, like engineers, administrators, clerks, etc.
Where are they coming from?
-In the meantime, tariffs will put US in a recession, making it harder for companies to afford to build.
I don't think they have any idea that they're about to be replaced by robots (if Lugnut has his way).
Start watching this at the 3:43 mark. ☮️
Ask him exactly what robot is gonna replace multivariate consumer goods manufacturing at any stage in the production process now that they've stripped the US gov of its lead in science research.
And, what kinds of jobs? Highly technical skilled jobs? To design, build, and operate the robots? How is that going to help?
These people are so fucking stupid.
It just hammers home the fact the fact that these guys are either painfully stupid, or this is a big grift, or both.
The robots will be expensive, so only high productivity will make this work. That means not very many robots or workers to make lots of stuff.
None of this crap adds up. I understand he makes his money in crypto.
Did I hear him say auto companies moved production to Canada to escape labor unions? LOLOLOL