What would really work: Massive investments in wind power, solar farms, cycleways, electric buses and faster trains.
What won’t work: expanded airports.
What won’t work: expanded airports.
The absolute scourge of everyone else (Inc most other car users) and yet 'we' turn a blind eye because 'well it's a car, isn't it'.
Still, expanding airports doesn't solve any of the problems, just creates more. Like motorways, induced demand.
Runway capacity solved.
12% of LHRs passenger volume is domestic. The figures for actual flights will be much higher as domestic aircraft are smaller but take up the same runway and landing slots.
It could work through business rates a bit. Where companies are charged a LOT more for being in the SE and vice versa. There is already a difference, but it could be tweaked.
The investment in transportation and high speed Internet would also have to be there. It is not an easy tide to turn.