📢 1.53 is now available with some bugfixes (1/2)
• Fixed an issue where the invites UI would not show for some users
• The reminder to verify your email will now happen less frequently
• Fixed an issue with email changing and verification flows where the interface would get cut off
• Fixed an issue where the invites UI would not show for some users
• The reminder to verify your email will now happen less frequently
• Fixed an issue with email changing and verification flows where the interface would get cut off
• Fixed a case where the user autocomplete in search would not include your follows
• Fixed a crash bug in the composer
2. Frequent screen friezes and the tab for copying/deleting etc. just loads automatically and there is a frieze.
Anyway, thank you for the constant updates.
I've noticed for some time now that via browser the banner on my profile doesn't appear but via app it does, and I was wondering if it's just happening to me and if it can be resolved somehow. Thanks in advance in any case. 🙏
People are losing interest, because it's a hassle to get here and then there's nothing here.
Pretty stupid that these are the only folders you can select from IMO
- Ability to pin posts
- DMs
- Ability to search for old posts
I thought it was just a fluke the other day when it hit me. (I took it as a sign from the universe to not make a certain post lol)
Anyway, I like it here! I can't wait to see what this place will become!
or this one that will also include replies
أول حرف من صندوق كتابة المنشور يظهر وكأنه تم القطع.
and now when i try to add a screenshot showing it, there is no pic upload button available :(
(seems to be a similar issue with the pic upload button, it disappears because it’s below the visible frame)
And until they fix it, the only workaround I can suggest is to tap the AA button in the address bar and then Hide Toolbar.
I hope it doesn’t take too long to let users disable reposts from individual accounts.
I have documentation of dozens of mislabeled posts as proof of its inadequacy if needed
- Se ha solucionado un problema con el cambio de correo electrónico y los flujos de verificación por el que la interfaz se cortaba.
Looks like lots of people are quite confused now...
as a configuration
Also, I've had some instances of clicking the Home button and it acting like clicking 'back' on a browser (even taking me off site)
FF browser, linux laptop 32bit
Nice that UI would show the invites, if it would appear, right? 😜😃😄
Failed to load profile
Error: Params must have the property "actor".
Profile is loading as expected now.
What did you do?
Also make a save button for tweets, like a draft that you can save.
This is silly, but I reflexively always hit the 'copy post text" option when trying to share URLs that it has become a little irritation for me.
(I still like copy post text tho!)
they are high in protein and very good for you
„Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Benutzeroberfläche für Einladungen für einige Benutzer nicht angezeigt wurde.“
Either get rid of word limits or stop letting spaces count towards them. Is this app for blogging or small conversations?
Using the iPhone app on the iPad is not the best experience.
Idk why it still does that to me.
In the meantime, you might want to look at @graysky.app
Also, letting mobile/app users swipe left & right to switch between tabs on profiles would help the app feel a lot more intuitive!
Scheduling is expected to launch this month on https://deck.blue (it'll be a Patreon feature) but there's other alternatives like Fedica which already offer it
I believe right now it uses the native image picker but that limits options to only what's in your camera roll and doesn't allow for picking other files on the device