A fairly common interaction for me lately...
Me: you can't trust this person, they lie incessantly. :proves particular lie:
Friend: Ugh, fine, you've convinced me. I guess I can't trust anybody, this is so frustrating.
Me: No, actually, you can trust many people, just not this particular one! 1/2
Me: you can't trust this person, they lie incessantly. :proves particular lie:
Friend: Ugh, fine, you've convinced me. I guess I can't trust anybody, this is so frustrating.
Me: No, actually, you can trust many people, just not this particular one! 1/2
When people demonstrate they are liars, you have to remember and apply that to future things they say. They have to lose your trust. 2/2
Given the current state of things, I'm sure the state issued textbooks will present it fairly...
It was:
"Fide sed cui vide"
"Trust, but in whom take care"
Always found it useful. You can't be an expert in everything.
What happens when your trusted source changes its mind? Or is taken over?
A person, even a mostly reliable one, has flaws. Only trust as much as you have to. All of our lives are at stake.
Do check every fact yourself whenever possible. Trust your gut.
Official Limbaugh sources, and he still won’t budge: “I must be terrible at convincing people of literally anything”
I didn’t say that.
Criticising Obama doesn't mean they voted for Trump lol