Trump initiated a huge pump and dump, it peaked Sunday then fell. Look at the recent players. It’s a scheme, there is no strategic reserve, it’s smoke and mirrors to hike for a day.
I refuse to dabble in crypto because there's no way for me to play both sides of a trade. It basically means I can buy if I think it's going up and sell at the top, but I can't short the currency when a rug pull is happening/has happened.
Oh, right. The LATEST con from Don the Con. Let's take that money out of the treasury and buy bitcoin. From Trump and his ENTIRE FUCKING FAMILY. They ALL have bitcoin companies now!
There is no such thing as "Bitcoin companies".
What trump and melania have done is launch their own meme coins. Bitcoin, is the king of crypto. It is not a meme coin. In fact the Bitcoin bros are now furious that trump got involved in the industry to begin with (favoring his own meme coin).
I misunderstood, I see that. But if Don the Con has a company, that would be the place to "invest," wouldn't it? Because he's a con man. Just saying. If it appears on the reality show in the next month, I wonder what I'll win?
Do not invest in any corryptocurrency sponsored by any of the Trump crime family. He's just going to sell his shares when you are buying. And it already happened! He launched his coin days before the inauguration and sold into the buying frenzy.
If you want a Stocks and Shares story with a happy ending... look at what's going on with Rheinmetall at it's height today compared to the 80 euro's it was at the start of the Ukraine War.
We need to this criminal enterprise of corruption removed and jailed for treason. He already committed insurrection against the US in 2020. He trying to complete the job
The most corrupt part is probably the inclusion of XRP (Ripple), SOL (Solana), and ADA (Cardano). The reserve has no rational purpose other than rewarding the crypto industry,, and the inclusion of those three has none other than rewarding the owners of three chosen currencies. Favoritism.
Why the hell US is going to invest our taxpayers' money into an asset that is highly volatile and no transparency? What the fuck his economic advisor doing? They are playing with fire.
I don't know anything about Bitcoin. I do know that Trump can't make money off of universities, steaks, wines, or casinos. I'm guessing this will end badly.
The exchanges have new real money flowing in to cash out other people. Problem will be if panic sets in and lots of people want to cash out there will not be enough real money like every other past ponzi scheme.
Wonder what our “reserve” price is? What a fucking mistake. Literally gambling with hundreds of billions of dollars. “Conservatives” love that kind of action, yeah?
The “strategic crypto reserve” is just a means to rugpull trumpcoins and other garbage crypto while indirectly handing tesla billions because of their bitcoin holdings using American tax dollars.
The Crypto Scam of the Century Revealed! BTC, MSTR, and the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Exposed! How Oligarchs Will Steal Trillions from US Taxpayers
Did you mean to do a no true Scotsman? Like we all know that has value, roughly 85,000 right now. So saying it doesn't have a real value kind of feels like a no true Scotsman because we both agree that Scotsman put sugar in their tea but you're saying no real Scotsman puts sugar in there tea 🤔
Value is subjective.
For a person fleeing from a war zone or a country where that person would be killed (for whatever reason), Bitcoin has a lot of value, because you can carry it in your mind and it can’t be confiscated easily.
And there are other reasons why Bitcoin has value too…
Crypto people will always make out it's 'useful', but it's time as a currency ended when investors considered it a store of value. A bitcoin was about the same monetary value as a one pound coin when it came out, it's nothing like it now.
Technically you could say the same for all currency. Gold isn't really worth anything unless we all agree it is. The value of something is contingent on if people want it.
Fiat currency also only works because governments declare it legal tender. Humans assign things value. It's not a real thing.
Honestly, and I’m barely a “crypto” person, but it seems to me crypto kind of solves that issue, no? Its value is manufactured by the people who use it.
Well the issue is that all the worth in crypto comes from the traditional exploitative systems. It's also way easier to mine crypto the more money you have.
So while in theory it is better than traditional currency, it has just been overrun by the system to try to turn a profit.
I need a quick lesson in Cryptocurrency... Once it has been established that the FtKnox gold has not been stolen (lol) and can then be used as crypto strategic reserve backup, will crypto then become fiat currency??
I'm sure there are several that would disagree...potential uses blind and make for a good sales pitch (opinion). But right now, gold is actually used in aerospace, electronics, dentistry, medical...just to name a few (fact).
Are you implying the value of gold is contingent on its use in those fields/industries? Because that’s a first.
& sorry, that was just me trying to be polite. What I was implying was your opinion is irrelevant and wrong. The value of gold has nothing to do with anything you’re talking about either
Prefacing by saying you're correct and I agree, all currencies work on faith of the power backing it. But if the government buys a strategic reserve of crypto it suddenly has real value by transitive property of the government injecting faith into it and that fucking sucks.
Like they say in the ad "We see you."
Like they say in the ad "We see you."
"Hey yo, first ya pump it. Den ya dump it. Suckers get laced every time Jerry."
N.Korea have hacked blockchain. Donnie Diaper & Muskrat are fkd!!
What trump and melania have done is launch their own meme coins. Bitcoin, is the king of crypto. It is not a meme coin. In fact the Bitcoin bros are now furious that trump got involved in the industry to begin with (favoring his own meme coin).
Did he really win? I think NOT
Though, mark my words: that strategic reserve of the US in crypto will be mostly in trump coins.
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Will some people make life changing money? Sure, but most will have their shorts eaten by the rich.
For a person fleeing from a war zone or a country where that person would be killed (for whatever reason), Bitcoin has a lot of value, because you can carry it in your mind and it can’t be confiscated easily.
And there are other reasons why Bitcoin has value too…
Fiat currency also only works because governments declare it legal tender. Humans assign things value. It's not a real thing.
So while in theory it is better than traditional currency, it has just been overrun by the system to try to turn a profit.
It’s a pyramid.
Btw, how much real money have you lost?
Also, I have no crypto assets myself. I just find it ridiculous to pretend like it has no value for ideological reasons.
Cyber currencies are not
Supply & Demand
And even if it wasn't, my point remains. We assign value to things.
It won't be changed by the presence of digital currencies
A lot of people hate crypto for political reasons, which is all good. But don’t try and act like fiat currency, or even gold is that different.
I'm sure there are several that would disagree...potential uses blind and make for a good sales pitch (opinion). But right now, gold is actually used in aerospace, electronics, dentistry, medical...just to name a few (fact).
& sorry, that was just me trying to be polite. What I was implying was your opinion is irrelevant and wrong. The value of gold has nothing to do with anything you’re talking about either