Thank you Mark Cuban for standing strong against the push to turn this country into an oligarchy. It can’t be easy. You are a rarity and a true American Patriot. 🇺🇸🙏
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The dude is a billionaire- he isn't your friend. He could solve all of the problems for the working class but he chooses to sit on his vast fortune because he is a megalomaniac who only wants to hoard more and more and more. He is an oligarch, and just as much deserving of being overthrown.
I think we all want to know what you would do if you were a billionaire. Can you also provide a business plan that makes the numbers make sense of what you would do? Hey if it makes sense Mark may invest ? Lol
Make it make sense before you make an emotional degrading comment
Yes they’re all trash but mark cuban has done things for society as a whole.. maybe not as much as he should but DEFINITELY more then elonia (the richest man in the world) he’s worths over 70 times what mark is.
No one person could solve all the worlds or even this nations problems. To do that they all need to be collectively accountable. But ultimately, the billionaire class is being held up by a ruling millionaire class that hopes they can earn enough good graces to make it to the top.
There’s nothing wrong with being successful. That’s applauded. The problem is using that power and wealth to control government for the benefit of the powerful…oligarchy. Also in a Kleptocracy now where you can buy govt pay to play.
"This dude is a billionaire" therefore "he isn't your friend" is simplistic, blind, and shows that you are the problem. Go read some more propaganda garbage from Matt Taiibi and Glen Greenwald. They don't know a friend from an enemy either.
He's actually trying to come up with solutions, particularly on healthcare, and with actual content and structures and options. I am not seeing that on "mainstream" media, or "independent" media, or from the DNC. Oh sure there are progressives saying "Universal Healthcare Now"-slogans are 10 a penny
Ive always said discriminating against somebody who is rich, just cause they are rich is no different then doing the same thing to a poor person cuz they are poor. Mr Cuban doesnt owe us squat, what he is doing, he is doing it cus he WANTS TO GIVE BACK, & for, that I commend him.
Mr. Cuban, we need a working class political party that will uphold, defend workers rights, higher wages. In 1978 Don Regan, treasury secretary, moved jobs to China so Unamerican companies can profit more. Nobody did nothing but stood by as American jobs vanished.
People are spectacularly atrocious at large numbers, which works in both directions here. We can’t fathom how much money one billion dollars is… but we also can’t fathom how many 350 million people are.
Which is why not enough ppl in the US died during the Covid pandemic.Had more died, you’d hear less denialism ie vax, masks and deaths. My g-parents lived through the Flu Pandemic of 1918-19, when the number was fewer but a much larger PERCENTAGE died. They claimed it really united the nation.
The problem is everyone's black or white assessments. Making false logic statements is ridiculous. Elon Musk is a douche bag. Elon Musk is a billionaire. is a billionaire. Mark Cuban is therefore a douche. It's a fallacy. To much of that going around life is nuanced.
If Mark Cuban sells medication at close to its real price, he’s doing a public service. He’s not gouging, even though he’s in a position to do so. I wouldn’t blame Cuban for other billionaires’ buying enough corrupt politicians to leave healthcare in billionaires’ hands.
Americans simping for billionaires is hilarious and so deeply fucked.
No matter who they are, whether it's Elon or Mark Cuban or Taylor Swift, they only provide bandaid solutions to problems caused by the same systems that prop them up so the little pawns at the bottom can fawn and feed their ego.
Please stop responding, I could not possibly care less about how you love that some businessman decided to profit off of America's broken healthcare system by selling medicine (but for less! So he's REALLY GENEROUS) 🙈 it's embarrassing.
I’m gonna go out in a limb here and say that you do in fact care what people think as you posted a reply. I’ll go one step further in saying your wee feelings are bent and broken. Have fun with that.
It’s hard to tell whether you’re angry at the world or simply misinformed. The target of your vitriol has done lots to benefit everyday Americans through his cost plus drugs company and investments in small businesses. He also pays his fair share of taxes unlike so many other billionaires.
Get a life Wava. Cuban is doing good. I save 1000’s a year buying medication from his Cost Plus service. Comparing him with Musk etal is lazy, ridiculous and a beg for attention.
Insert obligatory: "He's only doing things 2 help the ppl 2 make u think he cares! Theres obv. some nefarious plot behind it that he cooked up in his backroom with Elon and Trump and Bezos!!1!!"
The cynicism and irrational ideologues/purity spiraling will always b our biggest obstacle 2 progress
Tell this to all the people who are getting prescriptions filled at a low cost through Cuban’s pharmacy. Life is not perfect but when a citizen, rich or poor, does good deeds, they,at a minimum, deserve respect.
Cuban created a pharmacy that people in need use. He is doing his part.Taylor is doing her part. Their parts make a difference for people. Musk is only out for himself.
Putting Elon and Swift in the same boat is nonsensical. No, she can’t solve all the problems in the world and neither can Cuban. The difference is, while the two of them are trying to help, Musk sits at the feet of a sycophant looking for a way to make more money.
Please, do explain. Educate me. I’m 100% able to admit when I’m wrong, but the base accusation of ignorant and lazy without substantiation, lacks any impact whatsoever.
Go away! You’re part of the problem complaining about people trying to help who can make a huge impact. We don’t have time for everyone always getting torn down.
Block me please so I don’t have to see anymore of your poor me during a huge crisis in this country.
What have you done to help?
Huge difference. Trump, his family, Elon & their merry band of billionaires etc are all working to make themselves richer, to be in positions to control the world. Cuban actually does good things for the people who need it most. He earned his money and not off the backs of people he looked down on.
It’s not their job to do any of that but they do what they can because they care. People who don’t do anything at all really need to quiet down about people who are making an effort to help others.
It seems obvious that all of these companies paid "protection money" to Frump.
So now you are putting all the rich people in the same category. Just stop! Mark is a great person. He’s done so much. Do some research before spreading hate towards him.
What I don’t understand is why you’re singling this one guy out, like are you doing that for all trump meat riders? Doubt it. I get that you don’t like the idolizing of billionaires but why are you going after the one that isn’t trying to remove people’s rights? is one of the few people of the financially elite I have respect for. Dude created a pharmacy so everyday people could get life saving medication at almost cost. He gave the biggest middle finger to big pharma and the insurance scheme. People can live because of what he created.
You’re so insanely stupid if you think one billionaire could solve all the problems for the working class. Even if he liquidated all of his money, he couldn’t fund all social programs for one year.
Yes you are correct he is not my friend. Never met him though he seems like a great guy to have a beer with one day but seriously the guy is trying to save Americans $ on prescription drugs and cut costs for health care. What money he does or doesn't have is not our concern.
What U.S. needs is a dialog between the two extremes. And people like are well suited to be a bridge. The U.S. needs many more bridges.
There's no law that states billionaires have to support the country. I would be happy if they were taxed appropriately. Cuban is one of the better Bs bc he actually does things to help other ppl. He's not an oligarch, which seems to be a big word for you. Look shit up before posting.
I spent yesterday at the Buffett Cancer Center. Hell, I've seen Warren at Buffett Cancer Center twice. The center is actually named after a cousin who Warren made rich. All billionaires are not the same.
That doesn’t make him a megalomaniac. He’s actually doing good with his money. Maybe he should do more, but at least he’s trying. He’s certainly doing more than the other ass kissers.
Exactly how could he solve all the problems of the working class? He's done a lot, he said he's willing to do more. So spill it, genius, put your money where your mouth is, HOW 🙄 has already perhaps done more for health care, other than Obama (eg, ACA) and Biden (eg, vaccines, insulin), since advent of Medicare (1965).
"He could solve all of the problems for the working class" You could try out for a MAGA role with that type of stupid comment. He doesn't owe working class anything but a living wage if they work for him. Being a billionaire doesn't make him a bad person or the enemy. You give socialism a bad name
Rich ppl can't solve their own problems. How could they solve yours? Why not just say your envious of rich folks and move on. All the money in the world will not "fix" us.
You need to send a letter to Zuck, Elona, and Bozos with this same energy. Mark has been helping with Cost Plus. What other billionaire has helped in anyway?? I'll wait.
Politicians could however.
Perhaps a billionaire class that purchases political influence and pushes changes ment to give back to the Middle Class🤷♂️
He’s the only billionaire not afraid to speak truth to power. And he’s a billionaire who can stand toe to toe with Trump and refuses to kiss the ring.
Just because he’s successful, doesn’t make him automatically bad. He’s the only rich guy speaking out against the tech broligarchs .
Not ever billionaire is evil. Many are very supportive of Democratic goals. And give great sums of money to help inner cities, black higher education learn facts before posting. Or you just like MAGA.
California? Was looking into manufacturing their own insulin
If someone could do that it would be a game changer for millions (and insulin pump supplies) they are so expensive
Being a diabetic adds thousands a year to household budgets
We want to come home after a safe day at work able to have heat, food, and a little time to enjoy life. No more working two jobs, no more worry about bills vs food. Livable wages, health care that doesn’t bankrupt us, and a lot less stress.
We would all be better off…
An Oligarch? I bet you don't even know the meaning of Oligarch. Oligarchs steal money from programs meant to improve lives. Oligarchs do not work to improve the lives of average people.
The clown doesnt want to be left out of trumps circle of influence.... he shoots his face off all the time... he's a wannabe...... i wouldnt trust a thing he says...
Oh, FFS! Mark Cuban is literally trying to solve the prescription drug problem! He's fighting to eliminate the middlemen, and is already providing RXs at a fraction of a CVS or Walgreens cost.
Yeah? And he is an American in America trying to help American citizens get their meds easier due to the American healthcare system despite the best efforts of American politicians taking money from the American insurance industry to keep their pockets fat and their power rising
We've had it before unions, during the so-called Gilded Age. But, at least those oligarchs (their wives), like Rockefeller & Vanderbilt, gave US museums, libraries, universities, rail systems & stations, hospitals, and the Red Cross. These schmucks today don't care about anyone.
Being a billionaire and having altruistic intentions/goals are not mutually exclusive.
Obviously, that's not true for the three (and many others) who have decided to support the incoming administration, but I think even his drug company alone proves he's not one of *those* guys.
In fairness, billions of dollars become pretty meaningless when you try to scale them to 300 million people. Bitching about billionaires not giving people money directly is the inverse of the dumb talking point about the annual deficit mattering.
Nah if he is doing things that benefit us I don't care at all. We need a big tent and people with influence and shouldn't demonize anyone that is willing to put money where his mouth is.
Mark Cuban is NOT surrounded by people whose only concern is how to get more money. He wants to pitch in his fair share to help to make the medical cash table tilt away from the insurance companies and toward the rest of us. His intentions are to help. Tell him how to help, don’t bash him.
Congrats on Dumbest Post of the Week. First of all, Mark does a ton to help the working man, especially with his drug company. Plus, how, exactly, could he "solve every problem"?
More wrong you couldn’t be. Mark earned every penny of his vast fortune. Have you heard of “cost plus drugs?” Mark is trying to fix our healthcare system with his own money.
Perhaps sheltered, but Mr. Cuban does not strike me as a rich, soulless ghoul. The fact that he went to bat for Harris and spoke out against trump speaks volumes. Perhaps we have capitalismed long enough to have a wealthy person also be a decent human being?
I hope you aren’t referring to Cuban because you obviously haven’t done your research. Not every billionaire is a bad person like Zucker and Musk. There’s nothing wrong with being wealthy if you also contribute to society. Don’t equate money with the assholes who will be taking residence in the WH
Do you hate billionaires simply because they are billionaires? I don't agree with Marc all the time, but I certainly don't begrudge him the wealth HE gained through hard work. That's America dear... He came from the working class - nobody swooped in to solve his problems.
You don't see the difference between Cuban and the rest of them???
Yes - he is rich but he isn't screwing people . Cost plus Drugs are saving people so much money. Mad respect for him.
He’s not an oligarch. He’s a successful American. He IS solving problems beginning with, but not limited to, providing access to prescription drugs at their actual price, you know the price for these drugs anywhere outside of the United States. You’re looking for treachery in the wrong place pal.
Not sure which “dude” you’re talking about but it’s pretty common knowledge that Trump is essentially broke but is amazingly effective at getting other people to pay for his 💩. Why do you think he keeps running for office? 🤷♂️ Great way to funnel money to pay for his legal bills and other things.
Do your homework. Costplusdrugs is saving millions of people, including me, a boatload of money on medications. Mark Cuban is putting his money where his mouth is. He's a mensch.
You're actually incorrect but I respect your personal opinion. That man is helping people receive lower priced and much needed medicine while your government gives us all the finger.
Gates recently sucked up to Trump at a dinner. He's on your side now, sorry.
Cuban's Cost Plus actually improves lives and isn't an unsustainable business model. He doesn't need to hijack the government and leech off Trump to survive. Understand the difference and how that's not oligarchy?
He's just another thief, NO ONE NEEDS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS
I think we all want to know what you would do if you were a billionaire. Can you also provide a business plan that makes the numbers make sense of what you would do? Hey if it makes sense Mark may invest ? Lol
Make it make sense before you make an emotional degrading comment
Working class problems: solved!
Then check this out. Its one of many It makes essential drugs more accessible to the working class
What is YOUR solution?
No matter who they are, whether it's Elon or Mark Cuban or Taylor Swift, they only provide bandaid solutions to problems caused by the same systems that prop them up so the little pawns at the bottom can fawn and feed their ego.
And Mark Cuban is a hell of a guy and has helped so many. Do your research before spouting off on someone trying to do good.
Please stop responding, I could not possibly care less about how you love that some businessman decided to profit off of America's broken healthcare system by selling medicine (but for less! So he's REALLY GENEROUS) 🙈 it's embarrassing.
You are simple and funny.
The cynicism and irrational ideologues/purity spiraling will always b our biggest obstacle 2 progress
It's f-ing stupid.
Block me please so I don’t have to see anymore of your poor me during a huge crisis in this country.
What have you done to help?
We're listening
Politicians could however.
Perhaps a billionaire class that purchases political influence and pushes changes ment to give back to the Middle Class🤷♂️
Just because he’s successful, doesn’t make him automatically bad. He’s the only rich guy speaking out against the tech broligarchs .
What’s Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos done for any one?
If someone could do that it would be a game changer for millions (and insulin pump supplies) they are so expensive
Being a diabetic adds thousands a year to household budgets
We would all be better off…
Obviously, that's not true for the three (and many others) who have decided to support the incoming administration, but I think even his drug company alone proves he's not one of *those* guys.
He helps much more than most.
Worry about brexit.
Oh, that's right...I can.
Hope your life is less dreary now.
But I also KNOW greed only listens to power. So SOMEONE NEEDS to be in the room with the parasites, bc NONE OF US, even know where the fkn door is.
Let him speak.
He ain't lying.
Even if he is on the field with the ops... 🤷🏾♀️
Yes - he is rich but he isn't screwing people . Cost plus Drugs are saving people so much money. Mad respect for him.
Better than the people wanting to CAUSE problems while making money, no?
Cuban's Cost Plus actually improves lives and isn't an unsustainable business model. He doesn't need to hijack the government and leech off Trump to survive. Understand the difference and how that's not oligarchy?