You can't quote people you've blocked or people who've blocked you. That's why you sometimes see these comments attached to a blocked post, even if you don't have anyone blocked.
So I have a theory about this "blocked" individual everyone seems to have blocked. 😆 When I first got onto here, I found out you can mass block everyone associated with whatever you want removed from your experience on here. You may not have interacted, but if they were MAGA and you blocked that...
...(cont.) Poof! All associated with MAGA will be added to that blocked list from that moment on into the future. And if someone on the other side of that spectrum decided they didn't want any "libs" on their feed, they could do the same. Hope this helps any confused 🙃
We want to inform you that the GCR(globe currency Reset) will be activated soon, and safeguard your assets amidst the current financial crisis during this opportune period by transitioning to the QFS.
Bluesky seems to show a person as blocked when the person sharing their post has blocked them. Before I had blocked anyone on here, it showed someone as blocked for me.
It's difficult to be positive when your world. and that's what it is for some if not most of us, is collapsing around us. The only thing that is a positive for us now is that we need to keep fighting.
Oh wow, that’s interesting. So basically it’s like saving everyone else from whoever that is because you’ve blocked them lol. Who knows who it was, but it doesn’t matter lol.
Crap, I had to read the comments to realize this wasn't some sort of joke because all I see is "blocked" in a neat little square. 😂👍 That's funny right there, don't care who ya are. Nor do I know, because you're blocked. I love the filters on this thing.
OMG thank you! Now I get it - I keep seeing various posts that only show ‘blocked’
and I thought it was the poster who reposted & then blocked and I’ve been clicking on trying to read.
Apparently I’m following the right people bc I’m seeing more & more as blocked 🤣
‘singer and guitarist’
(Already blocked this one, like most others in this comments.)
Hammer pants would be a nice touch.
I don’t mind constructive criticism, difference of opinion or debate.
Being here to be an ass just isn’t interesting to me. Be a troll back on xitter
If you don’t mind sending me a friend request…
and I thought it was the poster who reposted & then blocked and I’ve been clicking on trying to read.
Apparently I’m following the right people bc I’m seeing more & more as blocked 🤣