A lot of times when you tell people you're going vegan they're like "Ah, well... quinoa! Not so moral now are you??" and it's like "it's all really hard, I hate how food works in the US."
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Haha, fucko. Until you learn to substantiate yourself on sunlight and "vibes" only you'll never make me stop shoveling cheeseburgers down my mouth at a rate of 3 an hour. Wacky, holier than thou leftists. Get lost.
Ok this shit drives me crazy because meat eaters also eat all the same stuff. It's like a non-point to me. It's people defensively trying to tear down others for working harder and making sacrifices to try to navigate a horrible system more ethically
YEAH and like if you follow their logic about how all veg farming exploits workers/kills some animals I'm the process/etc then what's the proposed alternative? We all grow our own food or don't eat? What?
It's a topic I really wish people could be Normal about because a small % of vocal vegans are very aggro and cultish in a harmful way but their ideology is mostly right lol and meat eaters get so defensive and angry at the idea that eating steak all the time could be an objectively selfish act
Yeah we are also comparing a small % of people being a little cultish and annoying to animals being tortured, exacerbating climate change, wasting important resources, worse health outcomes, etc
I have been pescetarian for over 10 years so I also feel like I end up getting yelled at by everyone for not being in either extreme but it has been super sustainable for me and I eat like 80% vegan anyway, just with fish, eggs, and SOMETIMES (rarer now that I'm lactose intolerant) dairy
Every example of a resource intensive crop pales in comparison to the resources a single serving of beef requires. Can’t say I find critiques like that all that convincing.
Welcome to the world of way more pooping and better working dongs! Be prepared to invest a small fortune in your spice collection and I hope you like nutritional yeast.
Was about to joke, "buddy, wait til you find out about cattle", but then I figured that's the kind of guy who would be totally fine with factory-farming.
one time a friend of mine argued that eating meat was morally superior cus most of the vegetable industry relies on low-paid labor in harsh conditions. Which is true! But wait what's that? oh no! it's a survey of the average work conditions of slaughterhouses and meat processing plants look out
somebody weirdly offended about you not eating meat voice: veganism is a liberal affectation started by a moralizing fascist, it's nothing more than a counter-revolutionary aesthetic masquerading as an "ideology"
This is why I refuse to make fun of vegans. Even if they're being "annoying", trying to maintain a diet like that in America is more than fair punishment.
Everyone in our modern global society is indirectly responsible for suffering somewhere. I'm just trying to have as many degrees of separation between my choices and direct harm as possible.
It would be really nice if we could all, vegan or nonvegan, accept the fact that animal agriculture is undeniably horrible for the environment. Like yeah, there’s conversation to be had about how to make it more accessible and such but a lot of people seem unwilling to accept the base concept
Absolutely. If our country is going to continue to feed itself we need to completely change the way farming is done. It’s not even a moral question (I mean it is also that) but we will deplete our soil to the point of extinction if we don’t
I know there’s a variety of reasons people might not be able to go full vegan but it needs to start with the acknowledgment that reducing the consumption of meat and dairy is objectively good
I remember being really moved by lauren Ornelas when I heard her speak at an animal rights conference a few years back, this reminds me of Food Empowerment Project's approach--explain to people the benefits of veganism but then *help them get food regardless*
its disappointing to me that people nominally on the left will make all sorts of excuses for this. animal products disproportionately affect those who process them, those affected by pollution, and those with poor health due to overconsumption of them. it's undeniably a class issue
Okay here's the thing, I love meat and cheese, but my brother is a full blown vegan and has been for years, and people don't understand vegan food has gotten a LOT better over the last decade, vegan baked goods when done right is some of the best shit ever. It's not my thing, but I totally get it.
They're mean to vegans because deep down they know the vegans are right on the ethics. So they take a vegan merely existing as a value judgment against them and lash out
It's pretty much everywhere, now, so there's no walking away from it anymore.
Wanna stage a wacky heist and get that kid out of there?
I'm pretty sure there's more than one kid, possibly thousands or even millions.
pretty bad! although beef production is deff worse overall