I got one of those fancy Nespresso coffee makers about a month ago.
It took me until this week to realize that you could just put any pod in it and it would auto-magically know how much coffee to make.
In my defense, there’s clearly witchcraft involved.
It took me until this week to realize that you could just put any pod in it and it would auto-magically know how much coffee to make.
In my defense, there’s clearly witchcraft involved.
are my fave pods.
Pro tip for small pods. You need to pre-wet the grounds.
1. Insert pod
2. Press button to start shot.
3. The instant you hear the pod pop or see the first drop hit the button again
4. Wait a few seconds then press the button again and shot will run.
Shot will be richer.
Also, i managed to get one stuck in the machine and had to buy a whole new one because i couldn't get it out🤦♀️
Welcome to the club 😁
Just hit the button to stop brewing action after it’s started.