While Trump continues to make one absolutely bonkers statement after another & Biden continues to make one odd statement after another, Kamala Harris just goes about her business with class, dignity, and grace, showing people why she should have won in 2024 and why she'd be a great choice in 2028.
Are her chances better having run and lost in 2024, or if she had been on a 2nd Biden/ Harris ticket, whether winning or losing?
Said otherwise, if Biden hadn’t stepped aside, would she be in a better position?
Regardless, after 4 more years of trumpian hell, terrified voters are likely gonna CRAWL back to Nice Safe Auntie Kamala, just like they threw themselves at Nice Safe Uncle Joe 4 years ago.
Well she'll have a hell of an argument/guilt trip in the primary: She was the ONLY one who stepped out to run in an impossible election.