Trump is unilaterally cancelling people's Social Security benefits if he claims there is fraud. From there people will be required to hire a lawyer to sue the federal govt to get your SS benefits. This is how Trump and Musk plan to save $ to fund the tax cut for oligarchs.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump on Social Security: "We have people that shouldn't be on, and those people we have to weed out. Most of them, or many of them so far, have been illegal immigrants."
Another thing that is not legal for Trump to do.
I feel such grief.
People will potentially die from Trump‘s arbitrary and malicious cancellation of earned benefits.
But that’s the point.
Let's welcome him like Ukies !
A lot of his rhetoric is like an ineffective chiding parent.
He enjoys talking down to folks and threatening.
Rebukes with an asinine question (when asked about Time's cover).
What if Paul Revere didn't make his midnight ride PROACTIVELY?
We've got to get proactive. Where's young ppl whose future is risked???
So, we can quickly create a new tax plan to help mil/billionaires, but neither side is able or interested in creating laws that STOP them from paying $0?
Has never paid SS thanks maga idiots to hell
With all of you
SSA is not funded with tax dollars.
He's exhausting which I realize is the point.